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Aconcagua: Justman & Team Travel to Los Penitentes

See! I told you so! Good news from Aconcagua. Our team member's missing bags are here! We left Mendoza early this afternoon and are now in "The Aspen" of the Mendoza region, named Penitentes. We had to stop at Estancia de Elias, a great restaurant for their famous empanadas. The team organized our gear while Christina and I packed all the expedition food and gear. We are lucky that we get to have the cowboys help by packing the majority of gear on mules. However, it's getting late, we are having dinner and one of the team members is eyeing my bacon and cheese stuffed chicken so I need to go before Stephanie takes a bite! Chau from Argentina, RMI Guides JJ Justman and Christina von Mertens

Comments (4)

A big hooray for the lost luggage fairies! This looks like my idea of climbing, btw. A nice dinner, great company and BACON!

Posted by: Lori Welch Brown on

Everyone looks relaxed and comfortable.  Nice way to start.  Good luck.

Posted by: Dudley Macfarlane on

I just knew those bags would show up - too much planning went into this one for a serious snafu. And to heck with the boots and gear in those bags: it’s the highly customized snack food that really matters. Climb on!

Posted by: Peter Rogers on

Looking good guys!! Hope the start is going well! Will stay posted and glad the bags were located!!

Posted by: Mary Banks Barnhill on

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