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Kilimanjaro: Grom & Team Travel the Great Barranco Wall

Jambo everyone! Things are going well and the team is doing great here on Kilimanjaro. Today the team had a leisurely start as we wanted the sun to warm us up before our only semi-technical part of the climb. The trail out of camp starts off relatively mellow and then quickly ramps up as we ascend the great Barranco Wall. It's truthfully not as intimidating as it looks, but when does a thousand-foot cliff ever look easy. Thankfully the route winds its way up the cliff through ramps and small rock steps and eventually on to easier terrain. Everyone did a great job of taking it easy and I actually think they all enjoyed the challenge we had. We took a break on top of the wall to enjoy the views then slowly made our way to the next camp here above the Karanga Valley. It was a relatively short day for us as this will be our last camp before we move up to our high camp tomorrow. We are spending the remainder of the day relaxing and enjoying the royal treatment by our gracious staff here on Kili. As usual we've had a trivia challenge that one lucky winner will receive a satellite phone call from the summit. It won't happen until we reach the summit, but that's not too far away. I'll let everyone know when that might happen on tomorrow's dispatch. So stay tuned! RMI Guide Casey Grom and crew

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