Mt. McKinley: Hahn & Team Summit!
Posted by: Dave Hahn, Steve Gately, JM Gorum
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 20,320'

Friday, July 10, 2015 - 2:14 am PT
Hey, This is Dave Hahn calling from 17,000 feet on Mt. McKinley. It's about 10 minutes after 1 in the morning. We had a big day yesterday, on the 9th of July. We summitted Mount McKinley! It was a beautiful day, start to finish, nice and calm and sunny, clouds down below. It was perfect climbing conditions, but it was hard climbing conditions, we had to break trail. We shared that work with a few of the other guided teams that were up here. That made all the difference; breaking trail through new snow and being able to trade off that job. But it still took a long time, I think we were out for 14 hours today. We were on the the top at 6:45 until 7:15. It was beautiful up there, really wonderful day, and all of our team made it. I believe that means that RMI is 100% for this season; all of the RMI summit teams have made it. That's just about it for the Denali season, the groups that we were going to the top with today were some of the last. I think there's maybe one more team that is a day from being in position. So far so good for us, we're up at 17k for now and we'll head off the West Buttress tomorrow. But, it really turned around, turned nice for us in these last couple days and we're very appreciative.
RMI Guide Dave Hahn calls from 17 Camp after reaching the summit of Mt. McKinley.
Comments (14)
Hooray for everyone on Team Hahn. Impressive on any day, but especially digging new trail. What an accomplishment. Peter you rock!
Posted by: Laura Taft Paulsen on
CONGRATULATIONS to Gary and Team Hahn! Very glad your summit day was so beautiful. Can’t wait to heat the stories Gary. Hope your trek back is beautiful too. - Rob
Posted by: Rob Reynolds on
Bravo Team Hahn! So well done ! Cross that off the bucket list. Have a martini (or two) with that celebratory steak. Cannot wait to hear all the details. XO Anne
Posted by: Anne Thomas on
Gratulacje Krzysiu!!! Tak jak na Pico del Teiide tyle, ze opròcz chmur widać okoliczne szczyty :-) ... Congratulations for all expedition members and special ones for RMI guides.
Posted by: Wieslaw on
Whoot! Congratulations!
Posted by: Sharon on
I like Charlie Thomas’s comments ! Quelle belle aventure. Bravo super équipe.
Posted by: Chrystel on
Congratulations on a successful expedition. I think you deserve a big steak.
Posted by: Mike Gorum on
Congratulations on the team summit! Amaxing group and accomplishment. Stay smart. Stay safe. Can’t wait to hear about the adventure. Special shout out to JM Gorum.
Posted by: "Mom to JM" on
Chapeau! Chapeau to Team Hahn! Encore! (No, not really. ) Have a safe journey back to base. Going down can be tougher than going up, especially for us older guys with creaky knees, but your achievement will put to rest all pain.
Posted by: Charlie Thomas on
I hope there is a group pic @ the top
Posted by: mom and dad grengs on
congratulations Pat, so very proud of your accomplishment now for you to get home and tell us verbally of your adventure!
Posted by: mom and dad grengs on
Congrats Team Hahn, it is all down hill from there, at least in North America. Will pray for a safe decent.
Gary, your nephew Anthony still thinks your guide is a nursing home activity coordinator and Mount McKinnley is a daily activity. I think we should find “a place where life is beuatiful all day long,” for you (U know the song). That was crazy good.
Posted by: david ross on
Dave and Team -
Congratulations!! Have a safe descent.
Posted by: Larry Seaton on
Gary Ross/Team Hahn:
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! You made it!!!!!!!!! Fantastic. Hope the summit moments were all you dreamed of. Get down and get home safely. Top of the Line/79 to the Top of Denali…....stories for a lifetime.
Hooah and Rangers Lead the Way!!!!!!!
ExecDir, Sherpa Support Services
Posted by: Chip Sniffin on