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Mt. McKinley: Hahn & Team Move up to 17 Camp

Wednesday, July 8, 2015 - 10:51 pm PT No forecast could have predicted a day as nice as the one we just had, and certainly none did. They were calling for more snow, and perhaps it was snowing below the immense blanket of clouds that we looked down on all day. But right from our 6 am start at 14,200' Camp, it was nothing but calm, blue sky and sunshine - where we were and up above where we wanted to be. We got climbing just after 9 am and made excellent progress, reaching our previous high point in a little over three hours. We then worked up the crest of the West Buttress, climbing steep snow with a hand on perfect granite from time to time. There was plenty to concentrate on to ensure safe climbing, but there were also moments devoted to pure pleasure, gazing down at ridiculously steep drop offs and at the gigantic faces of neighboring mountains. We rolled into 17,200' Camp after about six hours and fifteen minutes on the route. This gave us plenty of time in the strong afternoon sunshine to build a strong camp and eat a good dinner. We are all ready to go climbing to the top tomorrow if the great weather continues. Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

On The Map

Comments (6)

Congratulations!  You did it.  We’re mighty proud of you and the team.  Thanks to the team guides.  Job well done, by all.  We are at Bill’s home using his computer.  Dad called Karen to tell her, You made it to the summit. CONGRATULATIONS1 AGAIN AND AGAIN.  May all of you follow the same FOOT PRINTS in the SNOW coming down the mountain.  We Love You lots and lots. You’ll get a Super Big HUG WHEN WE SEE YOU.

Posted by: Dad & Mom Ross on

I hope everything went well and you made summit. Congratulation!!!! To all of you!!!
Keep safe and come back home

Posted by: Iza Smolokowska on

Hoping you made the summit yesterday! From Kayleigh- keep up the good work, have fun and I hope you make it to the top.

Posted by: Sharon Lewis on

Hooray Peter and Team Hahn.  Your climb is inspiring us all!  Be safe and keep on rocking that mountain.

Posted by: Laura Taft Paulsen on

hoping you made it to the summit July 9th! Pat, aunt Ginny wants to know if there will be a helicopter to take you back down,I laughed, then said, “that would be a no” remember when dad told folks at the top of Harney Peak that the 1880 train would come up the back side to take people down!? Wonder how long they waited…cant wait to see the summit pic!

Posted by: mom and dad grengs on

Team Hahn rocks, literally.  Pity, though, the photographer of the sturdy black posts that the team is laying down on the West Buttress; that fellow has a lot of ground to make up!  And we do too as you may have already summitted today.  Godspeed to the top, bottoms up when you get there, and bottoms down as you slide safely down!

Posted by: Charlie Thomas on

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