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Mt. McKinley: Van Deventer & Team Hoping for Better Weather

May 24, 2015 - 9:30 pm PT The wind and snow continued through the night and into today. We spent the night listening to the roar of a freight train of wind above us on the West Buttress. The max gust through camp, according to the NPS weather station was 52 mph. That wind and snow put a few holes in our posh tent, and knocked over a few walls, so we spent the morning stitching up holes and rebuilding walls. Otherwise we fared pretty well through the blizzard. This afternoon things started to subside, and by evening the sun was showing, sparkling off of the small snowflakes that are hanging in the air. Our hope is that that trend will carry through tomorrow, and we'll have the visibility to head back down and retrieve our cache from Windy Corner. Fingers crossed. The change in weather has also caused a change in the general mood of camp, and we're listening to laughing, joking, jovial voices all over camp. We'll let you know how things go tomorrow. RMI Guides Pete Van Deventer, Josh Maggard, Robby Young, and team

On The Map

Comments (6)

Hi Renee and team! I have my fingers and toes crossed for the weather to continue to improve - keep up the mac ‘n cheese consumption and look forward to the climb ahead! Cheers, Anna.

Posted by: Anna on

Jon, guides and team,
Sorry to read that you were pounded by the wind and snow but glad that all of you are safe and survived the blizzard.  Hopefully tomorrow will bring you better weather.
Stay safe and healthy.

Posted by: Kemai on

To Matt and Kevin ... Your friends the carolinas have been biking, camping, and recalling all your funny stories. We are sending you good vibes and warm weather. Keep the spirits up. We can not wait to hear new stories over the campfire!

Posted by: Ornela on

Hello to Renee and team PJR.
Hoping for a break in weather for you to go to get your cache.
Looks very dismal in picture. Winds sound relentless. But it can only improve hey!
On the bright side Jords is on his way!!!  Yippee
I will keep track of his flight. Exciting for him.
We all good here. Sun is shining in Qld. Spoke to Leigh last night. He is good.
Ralph and meissa with Papa Telf so they will be okay.
Love you sweetheart. Take care keep warm and POWER ON GIRL.  Mama xxx

Posted by: Lori on

Hi Renee, sitting at Melbourne Airport now waiting for my flight over! Can’t wait to see you. Hope the weather improves from now on. Ralph and Meissa send there love I miss them already haha. Good luck to you and your team for rest of the climb stay safe. Love always Jordy. xoxox see you soon :)

Posted by: Jordan on

Matt glad to hear you all withstand the winds!! Sounds like everyone is in good spirits, Miss you bunch.  I have been following the weather on the app you sent me but it sure seems different then what you guys are experiencing be safe.
Wish you all well and better weather.  Please keep updates coming, Hope weather subsides for you all to finish your journey. Be safe.
Love mom xo

Posted by: Terri on

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