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Mt. Everest Expedition: Ground Hog Day

Once again, we (the Sherpa team and guides) were ready to go up through the icefall on a recon mission. Once again we nipped it in the bud at three in the morning due to falling snow and cloaking clouds. The clouds were still thick as clam chowder when the team assembled for breakfast. That didn't stop us from gearing up and going for a walk in the new snow for an hour or so along the route to just where things get steep and serious at the base of the Khumbu Icefall. It was eerie and beautiful to have the giant towers and walls of ice drifting in and out of our view as we trudged quietly through the snow. Out in front in the whiteout, it was nearly impossible to tell anything as to whether the next step would be up or down or sideways, but we managed to find the route by braille in any case. The goal was to get some exercise and some more practice and -as much as anything- to occupy the mind in what could be construed as dull circumstances. There is still a blanket of snow over everything and so hiking Pumori's ridges (as we've done to reach both Pumori Camp One and Kalapathar) doesn't seem wise, what with shallow powder over uneven rock. We passed the afternoon playing games and monkeying around with internet/3G connectivity. Tomorrow, for sure... up and at 'em. Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

On The Map

Comments (5)

Dave - really enjoy reading your daily updates, and as always love the photos when there are some posted.  Wishing you and your team the best at the best, and a summit for the count.  Billy Idol has a wonderful song for the climb—Sweet Sixteen.

Climb on :))

Posted by: Mary on

Hi Larry, JJ, Dave and Team ... We are reading your blogs everyday.  Keep your spirits up ... As we know you most certainly are!  Fred K

Posted by: Fred Klingbeil on

Hi Hans, I find you on a photo from 15th of April in full climbing outfit! And it seems you smiled… even this weather is horrible!
I´m sure the cook is a very important person now, preparing good food, that everybody stay in a good mood!
Hope you will awake in a sunny morning tomorrow!
Best wishes to everybody - Ute

Posted by: Ute Novak on

You must be going crazy Robs! I am going crazy from just reading this… But I guess you’re more patient than I am! Hopefully a better update tomorrow :) good luck xxxx

Posted by: Laura Massie on

Team - you certainly have an incredible level of patience that the rest of the world could learn from. Hope all goes very well tomorrow and you can make some headway. Be safe!

Posted by: Diana Olney on

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