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RMI Guide Alex Barber With an Update from Annapurna

Today I carried more gear and food to Annapurna Camp 1 as more bad weather approached. While climbing today I noticed icefall avalanche activity was quite frequent. So far Annapurna has been relatively quiet, hopefully this isn't a sign of permanent change. As I arrived at Camp 1 around noon it was snowing steadily with low visibility. My plan had been to go all the way up to Camp 2, but the weather was so uncertain at Camp 1 that I decided to drop the equipment at Camp 1 and head back down. Currently I'm at Base Camp sitting out this spell of bad weather. Tentbound... again I had considered going directly to Camp 2 today to attempt a possible summit push on the 15th. But the 15th (possibly a decent day at 8,000 meters) is sandwiched between loading events (significant snowfall). The unstable weather looks to persist until the 18th. General Mtn news: Camp 3 was hit by an avalanche a few days ago, two teams had cached oxygen bottles and other items there a while back. All these items were swept away. The nine-day weather forecast does not look promising. Heavy snowfalls, then some clearing but with high winds. I'm hoping the forecast will change to something more promising in the next few days. RMI Guide Alex Barber

Comments (2)

I thought you lost communications for a while.  I was getting ready to contact RMI’s main office for a rescue request.  :)

You did pick one of the more challenging mountains to pursue hence ‘snow days.’  Keep trying I want to see pictures—but be careful. 

Posted by: Mary on

Thanks for the updates, Random Fan TJ Hiker

Posted by: TJ on

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