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Aconcagua: Van Deventer & Team Back to Base Camp

After nearly two weeks of progress moving in fits and starts, as we move camps, carry gear, and take rest days to acclimatize, the last several days suddenly start to rush by. We had a great, though very difficult, summit day yesterday. The sun shone in a completely clear, brilliant, azur sky, but as has been the nature of the last several days, the wind continued to rush on. We prepared in gusty conditions that made it uninviting to leave the tent, and donned our packs. For much of the climb we received only gusts, protected from the main force of the wind, the constant noise of which we couldn't ignore. This region has received very little precipitation for the last several years, and the results of that were the second major challenge of the climb. Where snow fields usually provide nice cramponing, only sand existed, and climbing sand hills at 22,000 feet is no small task. We persisted, and at 2:45, crested the summit of Aconcagua. Time flies, and while that was only yesterday afternoon, it feels much further removed. We woke this morning to the ever present wind gusts plastering the tent to our face, and packed our bags to head to base camp. As we descended, we picked up the items that we had cached at our previous camps, so our packs grew heavier, even as the air grew thicker. We arrived at base camp to a delicious spread, which was followed up shortly with our first carne dinner in a while. We organized our bags for the mules, and tomorrow we will reverse our course, once again carrying light day packs as we descend the Relinchos and Vacas Valleys back towards Penitentes, and ultimately Mendoza. Everyone is excited at the prospect of more beef, wine, and warm temperatures that await us in the coming days. Thanks for following, RMI Guides Pete, Alex, Juan and team

On The Map

Comments (4)

Congratulations to everyone! I was sorry to read about wind and sand but share your elation at completing the climb!

Posted by: Sally Falkenhagen on

Congratulations to everyone and get back safely!  Will look forward to hearing more about your accomplishment, Kevin, next time I’m in Easton!

Posted by: Jane Osman on

Can’t wait to hear all about it!  Safe travels to Mendoza!

Posted by: Suzette Stitely on

Can’t wait to hear the long version and see pictures. Glad you are safely back at base camp.

Posted by: Joyce P on

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