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Ecuador Seminar: Team Reaches Summit of Cotopaxi!

We are thrilled to report that today's challenging climb of Cotopaxi, elevation 19,348 feet, was a complete success! Things started off a bit shifty when more than twenty climbers and guides all prepared to begin climbing the glacier at the same time. The opening three hours of this climb are extremely steep and without any relief. Our team's strong and steady pace uphill proved their readiness both with skill and acclimatization. Despite some lessening of the slope angle, I would say this mountain takes the cake for difficulty. After an hour or so the crowds spread out and all we had to do was climb. The weather changed two or three times from steady snow fall to cold and windy to picture perfect. We could not have asked for a better day! This was truly ending on a good note. We then packed up at Tambopaxi, ate a great lunch at an amazing road side pizza place and are now rushing for the showers at the Ancient and haunted Hosteria of La Cienega. We need to get some sleep because there is a big day of football ahead when we head back to Quito. GO PACKERS! RMI Guide Adam Knoff

On The Map

Comments (2)

Congrats to Dusty and the rest of the team from sunny Carbondale! Love, prayers and safe travels to all.

Posted by: Terry Claassen on

Awesome!!!! Way to go team that is truly a lifetime accomplishment!!!  Or is that an accomplishment of a lifetime?

Posted by: Greg Smith on

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