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Ecuador: The Seminar Overnights at the Cayambe Hut

Hola from 15,300 feet at the Cayambe hut. I will be keeping this dispatch short today because it is getting late and the wind outside chills one to the bone. Now that we are out of internet range, we must connect our modem doo-hicky to the SAT phone thingamabobber and send our report that way. It can be time consuming and cold to say the least. Today we woke up- The End. JK. After breakfast we went to Ecuador's largest indigenous market in the beautiful town of Otavalo. Here we bought gifts for all blog followers and a few others we might like. At noon we finished shopping, ate lunch, piled into the bus and set sail. All was going well until five miles from the hut our driver said, "No mas!" The road did resemble the easy parts of a motocross track but we couldn't walk that far so I said, "Yes mas," and made him drive further. This happened two more times until we could go no further. We loaded the remaining bags into Henry's jeep and walked the remaining hour to the Refugio. Once there we drank tea, tied knots, untied knots, ate Nick and Adam's famous mountain lasagna, took deep breaths and went to bed. The team is doing great adjusting to these new heights. We are excited to go to the glacier for some training tomorrow. Stay tuned. RMI Guide Adam Knoff

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