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Cotopaxi Express: Team Reaches Summit!

Late Thursday afternoon we made final preparations to our climbing kit and sat inside the Tambopaxi dining room watching a light rain fall across the plains surrounding Cotopaxi. We had an early dinner and retired to our bunk rooms at dusk for a few hours of rest before the evening summit departure. At 10:00 pm we woke and ate a light breakfast in the dark dining room before loading our gear into Victor's bus and taking it up the rocky road to the base of the Refugio. We hiked in relative silence through a misty cloud to the glacier, put on our crampons and roped up. A little new snow had fallen but the climbing route was still visible and we began our climb at 16,300'. Hour after hour we climbed the unrelenting steep slopes, pausing for breaks where we could find a relatively flat place. At 8:00 am we surpassed the final steeps and stood atop the 19,348' volcano. It was a taxing climb for the team with many altitude records achieved and much to be proud of. Tonight we enjoyed each others company over dinner and drinks at La Cienega and in the morning we will sleep in and explore this beautiful and historic Hosteria before returning to Quito for the anniversary fiesta of its founding. Good night from a very tired and happy Ecuador team. RMI Guides Leon Davis & Casey Grom

On The Map

Comments (3)

So happy you achieved your goal Richard and team. Can’t wait to see you!

Posted by: Stacey Cost on

Richard and team, Congratulations on your spectacular achievement! Jenny

Posted by: jenny cooper on

Congratulations! What??? You still have your hat, coat, shirt on??? Great accomplishment and we look forward to hearing all about it. - van Hoornbeek family.

Posted by: van Hoornbeeks on

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