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Vinson Massif: Hahn & Team Are Catching Up

It was just as cold in the final hour before the sun hit this morning, but somehow that didn't matter as much since we didn't have to get up. It was a rest day at 9,000 ft on Mount Vinson. We eventually assembled the team in the POSH tent for an early afternoon, four course breakfast. After three good and long days moving food and fuel and gear around, it was very nice to just kick back and take it easy. It fits well with our acclimatization plan as well, to have worked up high yesterday and now to be resting at "low" altitude. RMI Guide Linden Mallory and his climbers came through in mid-afternoon on their way to Basecamp and it was good to hear of their summit day. The weather was perfect again today and so the sun and lack of wind had us forgetting what the actual temperature was. We napped, drank water, read, chatted, and snacked the day away. Finally it was time for dinner and tall tales in the strong evening sunshine. All are feeling healthy and ready to move up the mountain. Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

On The Map

Comments (6)

Way to go team Glasenapp! I’m enjoying seeing your progress on this blog. Looks chilly!

Posted by: Twila Bing on

Hi Tom! Hi Haldis!
Best of luck to you and your team for a successful and safe summit!
Will give mom and dad an update on mom’s birthday over Chinese food!
(Oh, and Dave/JJ, if Tom doesn’t answer to Tom, he answers to “Hey Bob!” too!)
Stay safe and good luck!

Posted by: Monica Glasenapp on

You guys are seriously nuts.  But I’m glad you’re all safe and accounted for.  Best of luck for the remainder of your climb.  Please stay safe.  Love and hugs to John.

Posted by: Dudley Macfarlane on

Glad to hear you have had good weather and a nice rest day.  Warm wishes and clear sailing for the summit climb.  Love to Peter.

Posted by: BonnyRogers on

Been thinking about you all, good to see the update! Love to Chris!

Posted by: Kim Hulse on

Sounds wonderful! Best to all and big hug to Chris. You all are giving me a lot to talk about!!!

Posted by: Carol Colleran on

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