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Vinson Massif: Hahn & Team Carry to High Camp

We knew it was going to be a cold morning here at Low Camp, the sun doesn't make it around the mountain until 11:15 AM, but it was still somewhat shockingly cold. True, we are in 24-hour daylight, but any shadow reminds you very quickly what the actual air temperature is. We ate breakfast and put our crampons on for a day of carrying loads as we warmed up in the sun. Before too long, we'd begun the fixed rope section of climbing on the way to high camp. This section of steep and continuously firm snow meant that the day would be about vertical gain and not a great deal about distance covered. It took six hours to make it the 3,500 ft to high camp, which sits at 12,500 ft. Since it was perfect, cloudless weather, we could see forever as we got higher. But what we could see was ice, ice and more ice. Our timing was perfect, pulling into high camp just as Linden Mallory and his small team were getting there after their summit. Todd Passey, ALE's guide, was in camp with his team as well and very generously shared cups of hot water with the gang. We cached food and fuel there and then got moving back toward Low Camp, which we reached at 11 PM. It was a big day, finished off with a midnight supper in the POSH tent. Our climbers were excited for the new vistas, but also for the great sense of accomplishment in getting such a tough day under our belts. We'll rest tomorrow, and hope to move up the following day. Best, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

On The Map

Comments (9)

Way to go!  I’m glad the climb is going so well.

Posted by: Peggy Halstead on

Proud of you guys - Tom, Haldis, and Chris!!!  Have fun tomorrow reaching your goal and enjoying the views.  Look forward to hearing all about it when you get back.

Posted by: Keith on

Looks like all your training is paying off Richard Cost!

Posted by: Stacey Cost on

Go Tom, Haldis, Chris and the team! Glad to see the updates and all the Skibacs team is cheering from Seattle.

Posted by: Jim Hill on

Well done folks. A long day indeed! Glad all is going as planned. Keep up the good work. Love from Joyce and Bruce xx

Posted by: Joyce Tocher on

Well Done Ladies and Gents!!  We have been enjoying this blog and the pictures very much.  Haldis, I have to admit this is better than Spot. All of you, Keep warm and enjoy the views. We will be cheering you on th High Camp tomorrow!

Posted by: Cathie Robins on

Tough day.  Solid work, Gents!  Nicely done.  Rest well and safe travels to high camp.  Enjoy the hot drinks and vistas a plenty!  More warm, well wishes coming your way!

Posted by: Kerry on

Wonderful picture and so exciting. Best to all!

Posted by: Carol Colleran on

Super Awesome!!!

All the best from the Haldis and Tom (and Chris) fan club!

Posted by: Kristin H. on

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