Vinson Massif: RMI Guide JJ Justman Reunites with the Team

Hello RMI!! I have to tell is so nice to be reunited with the team! No one at Union Glacier camp would let me put my head on their shoulders and cry. However, when my team saw me at Vinson Base Camp they all gave me big bear hugs!
Today we packed up camp and started our climb to Low Camp, close to 10,000 feet. Everyone had a fun day and we worked well getting camp set up. The usual happened with hots and dinner and more hots. Dave is currently buttoning up the kitchen as I write.
Tomorrow the team plans on carrying gear towards high camp. We get to travel some fixed line as the terrain steepens. Stay tuned! AND GO PACKERS!!!
RMI Guide JJ Justman
Comments (3)
Peter and J.J. —To my Elbrus teammates…. I am thinking of you and I know you can do it…. Blessings to the entire team
Posted by: john baker on
Can’t believe you are already primed for the summit. Seems like you just got there. Hope the climb is all you dreamed it would be. Good luck to the team and to my love.
Posted by: Bonny Rogers on
Greg- Looks absolutely breathtaking! It was -17 in Whistler today and that was about my limit! Stay safe and stay warm!! We love and miss u!!
Nic and Jek
Posted by: Angelica on