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Vinson Massif: Mallory & Team Move to Low Camp

We unanimously agreed that the temperatures were a bit warmer than the night prior and we all slept much more warmly, although we did find out in the morning that the temps were hovering around -18F when we crawled out of the tents around 9am this morning. Despite the cold bite to the air, the skies had cleared overnight and we set about breaking down camp and preparing to move to Camp 1 (known as "Low Camp" on Vinson). We hit the trail midday and climbed back up the Branscomb Glacier, navigating the first crevasse field again with ease, crossing the long basin above, and reaching our cached gear by late afternoon. The landscape, under clear skies this time, were completely different and we were able to soak in the surroundings: the bulging seracs and icecliffs of the Branscomb to our left and the towering rock and ice faces of Vinson's main Massif directly in front of us. After reaching our cached gear we transferred the loads from yesterday into the sleds we were dragging behind us and set off toward Low Camp. We made a long arcing turn from east to north facing around a second crevasse field and then set off across the upper stretches of the Branscomb, walking along the base of Vinson's towering walls stretching 3,000-4,000' above us. The glacier was an undulating plateau that felt like a false flat - the perspective lent itself to thinking we were traveling along flat ground but in reality we climbed another 800' over several miles. The constant backward tug of our sleds was a good reminder of why we were working so hard hauling our heavy loads. By early evening, with the sun still high in the sky, we reached Low Camp and set about establishing camp. Whatever chills we felt from the occasional breeze was quickly chased away by the hard work of shoveling out a tent platform and a place to cook in the thick wind packed snow. We needed saws to hack through the dense snow and had to wield our avalanche shovels with care for fear of bending or snapping the blades. Despite the firm snow, within a few hours we were settled comfortably into camp and enjoying a warm meal. It's now half past midnight and the sun is still high above the horizon, traveling from west to east now. We are crawling into the tent eager for a good night's rest after the long climb with all of our gear but very happy to be up here and staring up at the more exciting climbing above us. RMI Guide Linden Mallory and team

On The Map

Comments (5)

Se tenir au chaud… d’accord?

Posted by: M. Homme on

Cool Stuff! (literally and figuratively)Jon, 65 F in Tuscaloosa today…
Roll Tide!

Posted by: Tom on

Love, love reading these reports. Sounds like a dream trip. It’s hot and sunny in Aspen for the World Cup women. Sending warm vibes, XO

Posted by: Kir on

So glad you could see where you were going on the 28th! I got vertigo just reading about your trek of the 27th. Joy and blessings to all. Love to Chris.

Posted by: Carol Colleran on

Lindo, Penn, Jon- Hope you guys didn’t leave the wind briefs at home. Stay warm and have a safe climb/ski! And keep the updates and photos coming… it’s great bedtime reading here in balmy northern Finland. -Sim

Posted by: Simi on

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