Mt. Kilimanjaro: Tucker & Team Reach Mweka Camp
Hello from Mweka Camp on Kilimanjaro!
Horizontal in the tent is the place to be. We had a nice 15 hour stroll today and reached the summit of Kilimanjaro. We must be crazy huh? The reward in the end makes it all worth it and then some. We descended to Mweka Camp, 10,000', to our final camp and last night on the mountain. We shared another fine dinner and enjoyed each other's company until folks were starting to fall asleep in their chairs. Other than some sore muscles, the whole team is doing great. The climb went so well that I better warn all of you back home that this crew is ready for more.
In the morning we will take a short 3 hour to the Mweka gate where our ride will be waiting to transfer us back to the Dik Dik resort. It is just starting to rain on the tent right now, but we are tucked in warm and dry until morning.
RMI Guide Mark Tucker & Team
Comments (5)
Hope you took some sweet selfies at the top, Connor!!!
Posted by: Laura (from work) on
John, we hope you were able to enjoy all aspects of your journey and it sounds like the weather held out long enough to get a spectacular view. Enjoy the Safari and hopefully you aren’t getting too wet coming down from the mountain. Love, Katie, Liam and Aidan
Posted by: Katie Brown-Steinke on
Steven and Connor,
Your made it the top. Be sure you take pictures. I am
eager to see them.
Mom and Nana
Posted by: Darlene Fox on
Hi Mark!
We’re glad to hear you are all safe and sound and warm and dry and happy.
Mother & Daddy
Posted by: Maury & Evie on
Glad you everything went well!
Love, Grandpa/Carl and Babooshka/Cindy
Posted by: Carl and Cindy on