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Mt. Elbrus: Northside Team Takes a Weather Day

Greetings once again from Camp 1. We woke up this morning to a bit of a mixed bag, with a large cloud cap spinning up high, but clear, sunny skies over camp. After dragging our feet over breakfast and watching the clouds, it seemed that things were moving in the right direction and dissipating. Once we decided the move was a go, the team did a fantastic job of crashing camp and getting packed for the move. Just as fast if not faster however, was the change in the weather trend. The clouds that had been dissipating rebuilt ever stronger, and we began to rethink our decision. After some more staring at the clouds, scuffing of feet, and sighing, we decided the prudent decision was to reset camp and take a rest day. Prudent that decision turned out to be: not long after the tents were back up, our wintry mix began to fall again, and within an hour or two, a repeat of our thunder and lightning storm from yesterday. With a lot of tent time today, and weather persisting this evening, we decided to treat ourselves to a delicious pasta dinner cooked by the camp cook, Olga. It was a nice break from the tents to share a meal, stories, and jokes around a table with a roof over our heads. With full bellies, we are retiring, with hopes that we wake up to a better scene tomorrow, and can continue our upward progress. RMI Guides Pete Van Deventer, Jeff Martin, and team

On The Map

Comments (6)


Good luck to you and the team!! Great to read your updates…
Cheers from the heat and 90% humidity of Houston!!

Posted by: Salil on

  Senor Senior Guide Pete…Elbrus and from the north side - Look at you !...Dont believe you’ve been there before have you ?...If I’m right - holy moley I lead you in one peak category :)...All the best for a memorable / great climb…Saying the Weather Prayer…Spain and El Camino 19 days and counting…All the best + God bless…Waltero

Posted by: Waltero on

Trying to send good weather vibes you way.
Hoping today is better and you can go.
All the best to you Bruce.
Joyce, Anna, Izzy and Mom

Posted by: Joyce Pully on

Hey Johann and all the team.
Following your progress from hot a sunny Malta.
Good luck!

Posted by: Mark Asciak on

Hi Johann and team! Everyone at MCS is following your progress with great anticipation! Wish you all the best and we have our fingers and toes crossed for good weather!

Posted by: MCS on

Hello Jessie and Team!  Hope the weather is with you and you have a great day!  Jessie Annie, all is well on the home front:)
Len and Cathy Gagliardi

Posted by: Len and Cathy Gagliardi on

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