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Kilimanjaro: Tucker & Team Camped at Shira

Shira Camp is our new home for the night. At 12,500 ft it is nice to still see bushes and grasses. Don't let life forms other than humans fool you, it is a very harsh place to be. Unlike places like Alaska where the latitude away from the Equator keeps plant life well below here. It was nice to see the whole team at breakfast this morning healthy and happy . For some, it was was a new experience spending the night in a tent at 10,000 ft. Before we turned in, a discussion about strategy for the night and talk of what we can do to help adjust to the altitude paid off. Another day of perfect weather for the climb and it couldn't have gone smoother. Incorporating the same techniques used on all these big hills went very well with a team of strong climbers arriving at Camp 2 right on schedule. RMI Guide Mark Tucker

On The Map

Comments (2)

Sounds incredible! XO to Sarah, Adam, Larry and Jeff!
Good luck- enjoy!!!!

Posted by: Shari on

Sounds like another perfect day for our two boys, Steve and Connor!  Can’t wait to hear all about your trip!  Have a fabulous time and enjoy the Roof of Africa!  Sending all of our love your way! - Shari & Judy

Posted by: Sharon on

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