Kilimanjaro: Hahn & Team Finish Their Safari at Tarangire National Park
Posted by: Dave Hahn
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Kilimanjaro

After a peaceful night at the Kikoti Lodge just East of the Tarangire National Park boundary, we had breakfast and ducked back into the park. As experienced safari aficionados, we no longer stopped the vehicles for common zebras and wildebeest. But we were happy to pull over to watch a monitor lizard cross the road. And seeing a lion guarding his fresh kill got our attention. The king of the savannah also got the attention of about twenty elephants on their way to the water. They trumpeted and snorted when they sensed his presence and -giving him some space, took a detour to reach the water. We saw a few thousand other animals and birds, baobab trees and acacias on our way back out to the main park exit. Then it was Tanzanian highway driving with a few stops for tourism and sightseeing on the way back to Arusha and the Dik Dik Hotel. All that remains now is a dinner together and a few shuttles to the airport over the next 24 hours as we split up and begin to circle the globe toward home.
It has been a chock full couple of weeks in Africa. Thank you for keeping track of our team!
Best Regards,
RMI Guide Dave Hahn
Comments (3)
Oups, this cool elephant picture was taken by Seth Waterfall, but that’s OK, your great sense of capturing moment in this wilderness is well sufficient to let our imagination understanding the beauty of this surrounding nature. With all my respect and admiration. Chrystel, the little dreamer !
Posted by: Chrystel on
Thank you, Dave Hahn, for the richly detailed journals that you write for each trip. I love following the daily adventures of you and your team.
Safe travels to all! ~Andrea
Posted by: Andrea Sparks on
Thank you for sharing another adventure and describing this beautiful nature around you. This picture of this elephant is a post card. Keep climbing, keep writing and keep taking pictures too ! I will always enjoy reading your RMI expedition blog. Chrystel
Posted by: Chrystel on