Mt. Kilimanjaro: Hahn and Team Visit Ngorongoro Crater
Posted by: Dave Hahn
Categories: Kilimanjaro

A few days back we were on the summit of one of the world's biggest volcanoes... Today we spent our time happily plumbing the depths of a collapsed volcano. Ngorongoro Crater is a caldera teeming with the classic wildlife of Eastern Africa. We went to the crater rim this morning in thick cloud, unable to see more that a hundred feet, but we had hopes that situation would change. While still on the rim, we visited a Massai Village and were introduced to the customs and traditions of the dominant tribe in this area. We then piled back into our Land Cruisers and began the 600 meter descent into the crater as the weather rapidly improved. Within 20 minutes, we were seeing lions, jackals, Cape buffalo, zebras, hippos and ostriches... To say nothing of gazelles, wildebeest, and hyenas. The constant water supply within the crater keeps the herds from migrating, the presence of the herds makes the predators happy, the addition of roads lets us see it all. We even saw a couple of the resident (and rare) black rhinos, but they were at a distance and sleeping hard.
Lunch was on the shores of a lush hippo hangout and then we circled the caldera (about 15 miles across) one final time. With each sighting of a new species, the driver/guides would cut the engines and let us snap pictures as they described what we were seeing. Finally, we spiraled up and out of the crater as the sun was getting low in the sky. By this point we had the big view that had been denied in the misty morning. Clement and Joseph had us back to the Kirurumu lodge by six thirty PM where we washed off the road dirt and put on clean shirts for some fine dining.
Best Regards,
RMI Guide Dave Hahn & Team