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Mt. McKinley: Hahn & Team Sitting Tight at 14,000’

July 11, 2014 - 11:04 pm PT There wasn't much reason to get up early for climbing this morning at 14,200 ft. It snowed throughout the night and continued through the morning, piling up to about 8 or 10 inches. Luckily there wasn't much wind with it though, so we slept well. Our radio conversations with the folks hanging at 17K revealed that they hadn't gotten snow, but had gotten plenty of wind. The consensus seemed to be that if the weather eased, folks would be bailing out of high camp and quitting the climb. We made the best of calm conditions at our camp to get out for some exercise. The gang built snow walls and dug tunnels and watched wind and cloud buffet the upper mountain. Things did ease in the afternoon and our friends on high began descending. Ben Liken counted 43 climbers eventually making their way down the fixed lines. That number represented five different guided teams from three different companies. They'll head for the airstrip tomorrow, leaving us alone at 14,200 and virtually alone on the mountain. One guided team of three (two guides, one climber) remains at 17,200 hoping for better luck, it would be great if we could get up there to keep them company. Best Regards RMI Guide Dave Hahn

On The Map

Comments (3)

Hi Dave.  With a good supply I know the weather will clear soon & you will get the team up for a really awesome summit. safe travels & post more photos.

Posted by: Mary on

Hi Dave -

I’ve been following your teams journey.  This latest dispatch reminds me of when we were down on Vinson and ended up being the only team on the mountain.

You’ve probably already heard from RMI HQ that the latest issue of Outside magazine has a large article about what happened at Everest this year.

I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you guys get a weather break and are able to continue upwards.

-Larry Seaton

Posted by: larry seaton on

Hi Denali-Team!
I´m so sorry, that Denali isn´t friendly to you!
But as long as you have enough food and all of you are in a good mood, there is a chance!!!!
Best wishes to you all for the next days…Summit is not so far!
And specially for Hans:
“Do your thing!” - “Mach dein Ding!”
Good weather and good luck!

Posted by: Ute Novak on

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