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Mt. McKinley: Hahn and Team Ascend to 9,000’

We lit our stoves at 3 AM today and had breakfast a short time later while enjoying the beauty of the Alaska Range in shadow. It took until 6 AM to get moving out of camp at 7,000 ft, but when we did, we were pleased to find that the snow surface was a hundred times more user friendly than it had been the previous afternoon. Our sleds slid easily along and we didn't have the problem of "post holing" that we'd experienced in the warm part of the day. We got to the base of Ski Hill and began the hard work of the day, pulling heavy loads uphill for several hours. Clouds came over, giving some relief from the sun, but also bringing a new storm. Just as we picked and prepared a campsite at 9,000 feet, it began to snow. We spent a good chunk of the afternoon warm and dry in our tents as the snow intensified. Dinner was in our POSH dining tent, skillfully constructed by the guide team who battled to serve up a hearty supper in less than comfortable culinary conditions. Now as we are all in for the night, the snow continues to pile up outside. We'll wait and see what the morning brings. Best Regards RMI Guide Dave Hahn

On The Map

Comments (2)

Message for Kristen Bennett and the rest of the team: stay focused and keep the faith. I’m sure you will summit. Keep us posted, Be Well.

Posted by: Jason conroy on

As always, safe travels—and enjoy the snow day!!!!

Posted by: Mary on

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