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Mt. McKinley: Knoff & Team - A Fun Game of Polo

June 29, 2014 - 9:51 pm PT Hello to everyone out there in blog land. We all wish, in some selfish way I suppose, that there was a sure fire way to teleport any curious individuals straight to our location here on what is commonly called the Polo Field of the West Buttress. As I mentioned yesterday, a move to 14,000 foot Advanced Basecamp was on the ticket and we were gonna "make some hay" while the sun did shine. Oh how the "High One" can take any given plan and turn it into any thing she wishes. Like the oxymoron I spoke of about a "windless" Windy Corner. Can you say JINX! As it turns out, not only was the corner as windy as a Dave Hahn Everest story, the sun only shined for a few minutes before it started dumping snow again. Combine this with heinous trail breaking in the multiple feet of new snow and out pops a midway camp spot used only when the going gets tough. So tomorrow the tough will get going again and try for 14,000 feet once more. Wish for warm toes, a better trail and quite winds. Until Tomorrow. RMI Guide Adam Knoff

Comments (12)

Stay strong. Sending you a warm toes and the hope for a summit prayer. You are amazing!

Posted by: Ginni Fennema on

Stay strong and thinking of you all.  Sorry for all the snow you are getting.  I hope you all can summitt!!  Kris and Jon

Posted by: Kris on

Glad you are all staying safe! I cant imagine what it is like hiking with all that snow. Typically, when there is that much snow, I tend to tomahawk my way down the mountain. The short hike to get my skis is enough for me!

Posted by: Nicholas Iodice on

following you every day Mark….I know your strength….listen to the mountain, and of course Adam……i know you are enjoying 3 years of some HBO show…..all is


Posted by: peter on

Thinking about you guys Mary and jay…. Drinking a beer to you! Can’t wait to hear all about this.

The druckemiller’s

Posted by: The druckemiller's on

Too bad you don’t have your skis for an epic powder day!  Mary and Jay, we will see you at the lake in August.  Think warm thoughts.

Posted by: Lynn Honnette on

We’ll be following your adventures, Mary and Jay.  Good climbing to you and your fellow mountaineers, and bundle up!  We’ll be thinking about you.

Posted by: Margie and Bob on

Looks like a lot of fresh snow! Climbing must be difficult and slow. Hope the weather cooperates and everyone stays healthy and strong. Keep us updated.

Posted by: Jerry Hildebrand on

Brooklyn is rooting for Mark Skinner and the team! Sending prayers and love daily! TIMMMMYYY!!!!! WEPA!!!

Posted by: Emel on

It looks like better weather after Tuesday.  We are all with you in spirit Jay and Mary!  (Glad not with you right there though);-)

Posted by: Susan Lampas on

Better luck tomorrow guys. You will need all your strength with all that snow to plough through! go well, Peter

Posted by: peter williamson on

Bunch of us in OHIO wish Mark Skinner and the team God Speed !

Posted by: Bob Skinner on

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