Mt. McKinley: Knoff & Team Send Poetry from 11,000’ Camp

June 25, 2014 - 10:42pm PT
Here I sit in my tent
Wondering where the day went
A rest day at eleven camp for the team
With people in and out of their dreams
Mike Haugen and troupe passed through
Delivering a pee bottle to Adam -- woohoo!
For breakfast we had chocolate and pb pancakes (booya!) While we watched the snow flakes. For now the wind is pretty strong, and hopefully we won't have to shovel all night long.
RMI Guides Adam Knoff, Lindsay Mann and Andy Hildebrand
Comments (6)
Tell Dave Schick he is drinking too much water… :)
Hope the weather cooperates for a nice summit bid.
Posted by: Jack on
Hope all is going well and the Team makes the camp today!
Love to my sis! And all my best to the team!
Posted by: Carolyn on
Love you Jay and Mary!!
Posted by: Victory on
I guess it FEELS like the HIKE to MUIR on 5/ 22 Snow, Rain, Wind What did you say Adam THE WORST CLIMB TO MUIR EVER??????
Plow on Gents and LAdy’s Good Luck
Dr G
Posted by: Stan Golovac on
Go strong guys and girls! there’s a way to go yet so I hope the weather plays along.
Posted by: Peter Williamson on
Hope the wind and snow died away and you are hiking up to 14,000 camp today!
Posted by: Susan Lampas on