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Mt. McKinley: Frank & Team Make Camp at 14,000’

June 8, 2014 - 10:49 pm PT The team broke camp for the first time in three days this morning. We loaded our remaining gear into our packs and made the climb up to 14,000'. Even though the sun bore down on us for the last few stretches, we climbed strong and were in camp by mid-afternoon. As a group we are working on efficiency in building camps. So far we have had plenty of time and warms temperatures to put up tents and get organized. We are very strong and efficient when climbing, but on the upper mountain we can't wast any additional energy setting camps. I'm confident we'll get there. Light snow is falling and we are all tired from a long day. Good night. Thanks for following our progress, RMI Guides Eric Frank, Geoff Schellens the UWR team Andy sends love and hugs to his lovely wife Vivian and kids Jessika, Milli, Jayden, Jaylyn and Devon

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Comments (5)

Well,here I am again… 2 blogs in one day.. But I have actually checked for updates about 10 times today!  Mom Frank, I just read your message to me, and needed to immediately respond. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!  You can’t imagine how much your words of encouragement mean to me!  John has great respect for the guides and their expertise. He has reassured me numerous times that they are very skilled and safety minded. However, no one but another Mom could ever understand or imagine just how much we worry about our children… Be they big or small!  You made me feel so much better!!!! I will try to relax! THANK YOU!

Posted by: Patty Stenderup on

Praying for safety as you head for the high country.  It sounds like you have an awesome team!  I don’t normally comment on the blog but it has been fun watching the Stenderup family follow this trip. I just couldn’t resist sending Mom Stenderup some encouragement.  Mom Stenderup - I remember the first time my,as you put it, “baby boy” headed up this 20,000+ mountain.  I checked the blog what seemed like a million times a day for 26 days.  Now I am watching this climb with a little different perspective.  You see my “baby boy” has grown into the young man who is the senior guide leading this expedition.  From one mountain climber’s mom to another… it’s OK to relax a bit, breathe and enjoy the journey.  Your boys are in good hands.  Eric and Geoff are both incredibly skilled, smart, mountain savvy, safety conscious, Senior RMI Guides. They are good at what they do.  So be encouraged.  Like you, I will continue to pray for the team’s safety. GO TEAM!  Summit this mountain with style.  Mom Frank

Posted by: Kathy Frank on

Great job and team work, admire your strength and courage. Wish you all the best! Kiran I am following you through this blog. Be careful!

Posted by: Chitra P Naik on

(Y) One more day of excelente work. Praying for you to continue having the weather at your favor. keep up your strength.
Thanks for keeping us updated.
God be with you all
Chato, we love you!!!

Posted by: l. Rosales on

John——-Dad is graduating tomorrow evening (the 10th). I am sure that you are as proud of him, as he is of you…... And I am blessed to belong to ALL of you!  Stay safe and MARCH ON!!!          Love you, Mom

Posted by: Patty Stenderup on

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