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Kilimanjaro: Martin & Team Ready for Summit Bid

Hello from Barafu Camp, We are at our high camp and ready for our summit attempt tomorrow! The team did great again today and everybody is excited to be here at 15,000'. Today was a relatively short hiking day, climbing about 2,000' in just under three hours and reaching camp before noon. This is another great benefit to the Machame Route. Having a short day right before summit day allows us plenty of time to rest, hydrate, pack and get to bed early all in preparation of tomorrow. We'll have dinner at 5:00 and then hopefully be in bed by 6:30 at the latest. Most of us probably won't sleep much, but our bodies will get enough rest we need for the long day ahead. The alarm is set for 11:45 pm, and the plan is to be walking out of camp around 12:45. About seven hours later, we should be standing on top of Kilimanjaro. Wish us luck and we will try and give a call tomorrow from the summit. Best regards, RMI Guide Jeff Martin

On The Map

Comments (10)

Sarah,.  .  .  this is a totally wonderful and thrilling achievement! Congratulations!
We can’t wait to hear all about it. Love Dad & Susan

Posted by: Richard on

Way to go! Good work, Sarah and team!  Thank-you for the blog, comments, etc.  Sarah, you have the genes!


Posted by: Rondi Saslow on

Holly, et al..
So excited for you! Envy your view tomorrow!
Enjoy every moment.

Posted by: Regis on

Go, Sarah & team!!!
The home team is cheering you onward & upward!

        Happy trails, yeeeee ha!!!!! xoxox’s

Posted by: Marguerite Saslow on

Oh so close. What a beautiful site it will be tomorrow when you reach the summit. Enjoy :)

Posted by: Cheryl on

Good luck to everyone tomorrow! I hope you all have a great hike to the top and it is more beautiful than any of you could have imagined. Everyone stay safe!

Posted by: Jesse on

Strong work team Boehm!  Good luck tomorrow!

Posted by: Trevor L on

Good luck tomorrow. This is crazy but my heart is pumping hard just excited for you all. Enjoy the ride. Hugs for our family up there. Love you to the moon & back (now that you’re closer to it :) X X X

Posted by: Jackie Boehm on

Your almost there! One more big push. I so proud of Mom and Chris, even though I’m (kinda) grown up you can still inspire me. As for Eric… I’m proud of you to bro. Call me ASAP! Tracy I’m sure your adding your positive energy to the group as well and for that I thank you. Good luck! Love you all and can’t wait I hear about your success!

Posted by: Derek Kraft on

Love these posts! Thank you! We are with you all in spirit! Love, Jody, Belle & Bliss!

Posted by: Jody Frederickson on

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