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Aconcagua: Justman & Team Rest Day in a Snowstorm

Adversity. It's what high altitude climbing is all about. And here we are, sitting on a rest day at 18,000 feet in a snowstorm. It was predicted and we are actually glad. Because today is supposed to be the last day of adverse weather. Tomorrow is forecasted to be nice and as a matter of fact, the next four to five days. The team is feeling great so in the meantime, Katrina and I have 36 quesadillas to make. RMI Guide JJ Justman

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Comments (5)

Dear, Ken McKenna/Dad.
We have a five day weekend from school because of the holiday.  So, we’re having a McKenna PJ Day Marathon.  Day 2 is going well!  It looks like you’re having a PJ Day, too.  Miss you a lot and hope you are having fun.
Love, Aidan

Posted by: Aidan on

Best wishes as you continue to the top, especially you, Frank.  Blog sounds good. Be Safe

Posted by: Fred T on

Quesadillas?? You are being spoiled by your guides!!! Rich enjoy the break and the yummy chow and get back to it tomorrow!

Love you very much and can’t wait to see you again after you finish your bidness on Aconcagua…Susie

Posted by: Susie on

Hi Sweetie (Brenda) :-) hope your getting plenty of rest for the big fun filled days ahead of you to the top you go!!  Love U,  Richie &. Sea Jay. Xxxxoooxxx

Posted by: Richie Larscheid on

Rich, sounds like you all are having a great climb.  So happy for all of you.  Stay safe. Love MOM and DAD

Posted by: Bitsy Lewis on

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