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Kilimanjaro: Martin & Team Reach Barranco Camp

Hello from Barranco Camp, The team did great today, and everybody is feeling strong and healthy. The unsettled weather continues for our third day on the mountain. Last night, the winds started to pick up after we arrived in camp and were still blowing when we woke up this morning. Fortunately, it was only winds today, as we stayed dry all day and the sun made a brief appearance when we got to camp. We are definitely into our mountain routines, going to bed fairly early and waking up with enough time to pack, eat breakfast, and be walking by 8:00 am. That is exactly what happened this morning. With packs on we started the climb up the Shira Plateau. We climbed directly towards the mountain for the entire morning, slowly leaving behind all plant life as we got close to Lava Tower camp. It was the first time most of this group had been to 14,900' and everybody was grinning when we got to our high point. We had some lunch and took a little extra time to just let our bodies feel what it is like being at this altitude. Then we started our descent to Barranco camp, approximately 2000' below us. This was the first downhill section of the trip so far, and since half of this climb is spent descending, you have to be able to walk downhill efficiently. This group can definitely walk downhill. A couple hours later we were pulling into camp. The highlight of the the day, besides climbing to 14,900', was the last 15 minutes of walking before we reached camp. Giant Senecios line the trial on both sides and it such a unique plant, that you can't help to feel that you might be on a different planet. Especially as the clouds roll by blocking out everything around you except for these very strange looking trees. Once in camp, it was time to get moved into our tents and relax for the afternoon. We are now all accustomed to the snacking and tea drinking that pretty much begins right after we get to camp and ends right before dinner. Tomorrow we head up the Barranco Wall. It's hard to miss as it looms above us, but everyone is excited to be standing on top of it by mid-morning. Best regards, RMI Guide Jeff Martin & Team

On The Map

Comments (6)

Happy Valentine’s Day, Russ!  Great job with the climb!  And, Thanks for our lovely Valentines present!  The Yorkies are pushing you up that mountain with all 8 paws…from Sausalito, CA!  Attack that mountain!  We love you, Jody, Belle & Bliss!

Posted by: Jody Frederickson on

Hey Sarah, We are enjoying the posts and look forward to hearing all. Happy Valentines Day. Love Pf

Posted by: Richard on

Go Holly & Chris!!! Not far now.

Posted by: BV on

Enjoying the updates and hearing all is well.  Greetings from near sea-level in California!!  Someone please give Eric a big ol’ hug from his mom!


Posted by: Lisa Bastoni on

Go team!  Not far now!  Heh heh.  Keep going.

Posted by: Trevor L on

Sounds like a good trip with a steady team..Would someone take a picture of the Giant Senecios?  A plant not native to California (?)

Posted by: Rondi Saslow on

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