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Kilimanjaro: Jeff Martin & Team Arrive in Tanzania

Greetings from Arusha, Tanzania, Our Kilimanjaro climb has officially started! After some quick introductions and a champagne toast, it was time to complete the very last leg of our long travels - a short drive to our hotel. We had a nice three-course meal waiting for us when we arrived and we sat out on the patio enjoying the fine dining and the sights and sounds of a new destination. We are waiting for one more climber to join the team later tonight, and then we will start tomorrow with a team meeting after breakfast, discussing all the details of our climb. La la salama (good night), RMI Guide Jeff Martin

Comments (3)

Robert, So excited for you and your team. Missing you and looking forward to more updates!
Love Shelley

Posted by: Shelley on

LOVE seeing this photo of the beloved Dik Dik.  Best wishes to Barrie on this wonderful adventure ahead.  Jeff is the man!  Am so excited to read your blog and think of you all.

Posted by: Kathryn LeBey on

Happy adventures Barrie, Jeff and team. Can’t wait to relive our climb as I read your blog.

Posted by: Elsie Bemiss on

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