Mexico’s Volcanoes: Waterfall & Team Reach Summit of Orizaba
Posted by: Geoff Schellens, Seth Waterfall
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mexico
Elevation: 18,701'
Hey this is Seth standing on top of El Pico de Orizaba also known as Citlaltépetl , the tallest point in Mexico, the third highest in North America. It took us about 7 ½ hours from high camp to reach the summit. Everybody did great, it’s a beautiful day and the boys are psyched let’s here them (yells in background). We will check in again when we are back down in Tlachichucha this evening. And tomorrow we are going home.
RMI Guide Seth Waterfall
RMI Guide Seth Waterfall calls from the summit of Pico de Orizaba.
On The Map
Comments (1)
Taylor…..YOU DID IT…How was the weather??? Lots of snow?
How was it different from Oct? Deb
Posted by: Debbi on