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Vinson Massif Expedition: Team Carries Up the Fixed Lines

We all agreed that carrying a load of food, fuel and gear 2500 vertical feet up the fixed lines was hard. It was steep (both going up and coming down) it took a long time (7 hours round trip from low camp) and it was sometimes too hot and sometimes too cold. It felt a lot like mountain climbing. Today we had crampons on our feet and axes in our hands, unlike the last couple of sled dragging days on the low angled approach glacier. So all around, it was pretty tough, but we did it. We got those unreal Antarctic views as we got higher, spawning questions like "Is that ice way out there or is it cloud?" (It was both). Our hope, of course, is that by doing such tough work today, by going so high (11,800) and by coming back down to sleep and rest through tomorrow, we'll be stronger, more familiar with the route and better acclimated to the altitude. That may be, but at any rate, it sure was fun climbing today. It was a little cloudy which seemed to hold some heat in the air, making things a bit easier. The two teams above us apparently made the summit today, which is great, we'll see them tomorrow on their descent. Best Regards RMI Guide Dave Hahn

On The Map

Comments (2)

Congrats to the team after such a heavy effort and I hope you get time enough to rest! Supporting you all the way to the summit!
Love to Fatima,

Posted by: Peter Williamson on

WOW!  Very impessive!!  Great job!!!  Fred K

Posted by: Fred Klingbeil on

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