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Kilimanjaro: Grom & Team at Machame Camp

Hello again everyone. We had a early departure from the Dik Dik Lodge and drove east for about two hours to reach Kilimanjaro National Park. Our drive took us through the rural country side of Tanzania which is full of banana and coffee plantations, markets and plenty of people headed between home and the local water well. It was very surreal to see so many folks who depend on these wells for their water, especially watching them walking with 5 gallon jugs carefully balanced on their heads. Once at the gate we took a short break to sign in and allow our team to arrange all the loads and hire all of our porters for the seven-day climb. Our team started with 11 climbers and quickly grew as we acquired all the support of cooks, waiters, camp crew and porters and we ended up at a total of 68! Just before 11 a.m. we set off on the trail that ascended through the forest and slowly climbed all the way up to just shy of 10,000'. It took the team a little over four hours to reach our camp and everyone did fantastic and enjoyed the hike. The team just finished dinner and are all comfortably resting in our warm sleeping bags- thanks to the hot water bottles our gracious crew prepared for us. Not quite roughing it yet! RMI Guide Casey Grom and crew

On The Map

Comments (7)

Hi Chris and Jess,
Love following the climb and your progress ... I can only imagine how awesome it must be.  Everything is looking up for you guys ): , haha.  Enjoy, stay safe and I look forward to seeing the photos!
Love you guys,

Posted by: lorraine bocci on

Chris - Jess sending extra energy your way—the next 9,000 feet is a breeze…enjoy… you two rock.

Posted by: Bocci clan on

How u doin, Midge??!lol!!! Hope u survived and had an extraordinary day!!!  I was thinking… You need to bring home a little monkey so shorty has a new friend to play with! :) in solidarity with your trip and well being, I’m eating Rubens empanada’s daily! Fyi: Yankees are on a surprising but necessary win streak!! Take good care of mom!! I love you, sweetie!! Kick some butt tmrw!!! Have fun be safe enjoy every minute! Ilusb, poppy xo

Posted by: Karl on

Okay, now Johnny’s going to feel even worse that he wimped out of going on the zip flyer in the poconos…that was from about 2,000 ft!  Sounds like your off to a great start.  Stay strong.  Remember, we’re living vicariously through you so we’re counting on some great stories and photos!  Love, Susan

Posted by: Susan D'Avanzo on

Hi Ann!  Hi Chambo!  Hope you make it! See you soon!

Posted by: Connor on

Saw the full moon out tonight in northern VA and wondered if you had started your climb.  Bruce, Tim, Michael, Katy—enjoy!  Cannot wait to hear your stories and see the photos.
Amy and Randy

Posted by: Amy on

Great job…very impressive reaching 10,000ft. Im really proud of you Chris. Its a blast tracking your progress, I can only imagine the beauty you are seeing. Take it all in and tread on.


Posted by: Tom on

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