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Kilimanjaro: Waterfall & Team at Shira Plateau

We're at Shira Plateau Camp! We had another great day on the trail and everyone is adjusting to mountain life. We got up with the sun and had a great breakfast. Fruit and eggs and of course the wonderful bread from the Dik Dik is a great way to start a day. Unfortunately for us though one of our team had to head home due to a work emergency. We'll miss him sorely and feel bad that he had to leave the trip. After our goodbyes we hit the trail for a 4 hour and 45 minute hike to camp. The weather was mostly cloudy which meant we were inside the clouds all day. That is until we hit the top of the Shira Plateau where we moved out of the cloud deck. Once we topped out we were greeted with an amazing view of the summit. It's still a long way off but tomorrow we'll get right up under it! A message from team member Gayle: She wanted to say hi to her Mom. RMI Guide Seth Waterfall

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Happy birthday to our beautiful daughter!  And a big Hugo Kalin as well.  Enjoy every minute of this trip of a lifetime!  Love, mom and dad

Posted by: Mary Beth Denefe on

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