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Mt. McKinley: Van Deventer & Team Rest at 14,000’ Camp

One can call it a rest day, or weather day depending on perspective, but we took the opportunity of winds up high and snow, to rest up our legs for another day at 14,000' on Mt. McKinley. It hasn't been too bad here, with sporadic gusts of wind, some snow falling from the sky, and most snow just blowing around the ground. Our walls are doing their job, and nobody was complaining about a day of sport eating in the tents, getting our reserves up for the big push. We'd love to see this weather move out and give us our chance, as we are all ready, but with no control over that, we're going to patiently watch and wait. We'll let you know what happens tomorrow: we may still be sitting here, or we may be up at 17, getting ready for a summit bid! Send positive weather vibes our way! Best from the mountain, RMI Guides Pete, Geoff, Robby, and team

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Comments (7)

Sending much aloha and sunshiny vibes from Maui!  Sport eating doesn’t sound too bad, especially as you get ready for the big push.  Go, Gail, goooooooo!
Jen Fordyce

Posted by: Jen Fordyce on

Good morning, Tommy! I hope you rested well last night and you woke to clear skies. I am praying for a great weather day to move up to High Camp. I miss you! Have an awesome day! Love always!

Posted by: Rhonda Kitchen on

GO TEAM!  We all miss you, Robby!

Posted by: Vanessa on

Hello Derek! It’s been great being able to follow your progress so far and once the weather breaks a little you and the team can make that much anticipated push for the summit!  Just wanted to touch base and let you know you have a lot of well wishers rooting you and your team on back here in Jersey.  We’re all praying for a break in the weather.  Stay strong and most of all safe. Love, Mom & Pops

Posted by: Mom and Pops on

Hi Derek - I hope the weather clears so that you and the team can reach the summit without too much delay.  Been thinking of you often and my prayers are with you all for a safe expedition. 
Love, Aunt Rita

Posted by: Rita DeCamp on

Hi Tommy! I’m happy to hear everyone is well despite the weather delay. I made a post on Facebook asking for prayers for a clear day to move up. I had dinner tonight with Tim, Carrie, and Magnus. It was wonderful, but something was missing! You! You were the topic of most of the evening, though. I had so much fun with Magnus! He is an awesome little boy! Tim and I talked about Wednesday’s radio show. He has not made contact with Ed Viesturs or Joe Horiskey yet. He made the phone calls, but has not spoken with anyone. He will let me know if anything changes. We realize that since the sat phone is not working, you are not able to call into the show. Also, with this delay, I’m guessing you may not summit until Thursday, or later, if there are anymore delays. Not to worry! Just focus on getting to the top. I suggested that you could be on the show next Wednesday, if you are back. If not, then you could be on the next Wednesday. What an awesome show that will be! I miss you! I hope you don’t get tired of me telling you that. Be safe, be strong, be focused, be blessed, and be rested for the hard work ahead - moving to High Camp. Goodnight, my love is always with you!

Posted by: Rhonda Kitchen on

We are rooting for you all! We will say our prayers tonight!

Posted by: marion and maya on

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