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Mt. McKinley: Van Deventer & Team Cache Gear at Washburn’s Thumb

Sunday, June 30th, 2013 Greetings! After spending some time resting and recuperating at 14K Camp, we jumped on the tiger today, aka the fixed lines, and climbed to 16,700' to cache gear and food at Washburn's Thumb. The steep and often exposed climbing was some of first of the expedition, and the team performed exceptionally. The hard work of the day was rewarded with a team favorite meal consisting of Annie's Mac and Cheese with bacon. Tomorrow will be spent resting back in the comfort of 14K Camp while we wait on a favorable weather forecast to begin our final move up to Denali's high camp. Best, RMI Guides Robby, Pete, Geoff and Team

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Comments (1)

Hi Tommy, I hope you are awesome today! For every day that passes, I miss you more than the day before! Not being able to talk to you is the hardest part. I have started talking to you in letters, though, and since I have no place to send them, you’ll have quite a few to read when you get home. This has made me remember when we wrote letters many years ago. Sara and Brandon send their love! They are great! I saw Brandon briefly yesterday. He came by to get his golf clubs to hit balls at the driving range with his friends. I can’t wait for all of us to be sitting down to dinner together again. I’m happy to hear that everything is progressing on schedule. It sounds like the team is working well together.  Everyone here is getting excited for summit day. I’m sure you and the team even more so. I am praying for strength and focus as the challenge of the ascent to the top becomes more difficult. My love and thoughts are always with you.

Posted by: Rhonda Kitchen on

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