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Mt. McKinley: Hahn & Team Fly onto the Kahiltna Glacier

Thursday, June 28th, 2013 We enjoyed a final, but ample breakfast at the Roadhouse and then hurried out to the airstrip to get ready for flying. Sure enough, conditions were favorable and so we loaded up in two big and beautiful K2 Aviation ski-equipped Otters. There was some smoke in the skies from forest fires and a little cloud as well, but we had magnificent views of forests, rivers, lakes... and then eventually of nothing but gargantuan mountains and glaciers. Our pilots, Randy and Jeff, had us into the Southeast Fork of the Kahiltna Glacier and safely landed by 9:00 AM. After unloading and a few handshakes, they were off and we were left in our breathtakingly beautiful new home. We set to building camp and then spent a lazy afternoon reviewing rope techniques and getting set for glacier travel. We ate an early dinner under the intense Alaskan summer sun, did a few more last chores and then turned in. It was good to touch base, via radio, with the other RMI teams on the mountain and to feel like we'll soon be joining in the fun. The plan is to be up at 1 AM if the weather stays fine and we'll hope to be on the march a few hours later. Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

On The Map

Comments (3)

The Christofferson family is sending our best to Anders and the rest of the team.  We love all the pictures and updates!  Looking forward to hearing how you are all doing after carrying all those heavy loads “on your march” today!

Posted by: Judy Christofferson on

Hahn Team
To Mike & Max - we are grateful to be able to follow you on this blog and will enjoy watching your adventures.  Thinking of you and wishing you good weather and a safe climb.
Bill & Caryl Reese

Posted by: Bill & Caryl Reese on

Home! Wow, all of your homes around the world are very beautiful. Hoping for you and your team to have a safe climb.

Posted by: michelle on

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