Mt. McKinley: Haugen and Team Sport Eating at 11,000’
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
We are getting beautiful weather day after beautiful weather day! We retrieved our cache from 10,000ft. We are now set to bring a load up to around 14,000ft. This will be great for our acclimatization since it fits into the climb high and sleep low model.
The team has really been doing a great job of taking care of themselves. We are doing a lot of sport eating and drinking as we sit around camp. I am usually a hydration nag, but this crew is on top of it!
Stay Classy North America!
RMI Guide Mike Haugen
On The Map
Comments (12)
So great to hear you have good weather. The pictures are amazing. Keep trucking. Love, mom and dad.
Posted by: Kathie Constantine on
Grasshopper, Big Steve, & Quiet Sandra - Cheers! Hope you’re enjoying a few rewards after work? That is along with proper hydration. Keep it up! Remember, hills are your friends!! Mtn Mo
Posted by: Mtn Mo on
But Daddy what about your teeth with all the chocolate and candies you packed?lots of love from Olive and Penny and E
Posted by: Penny on
I’m thrilled that all is going so well. Steve, we sure think about you a lot, but you know, the other teams are reporting that they get to eat Pop Tarts. Is your team missing out? Do they know that there are peanut butter Pop Tarts now? Bill and I are wondering what took so long. They are awesome.
Posted by: Lisa Mackey on
Yay Sanj and the rest of the team! Incredible!
Aloha, Lisa, Manolo, Bubba and Belle
Posted by: Lisa on
Hi Grasshopper! (Greg Sullivan) So glad you are having great weather, and hope you are packing in the calories! Alls fine here. Down to Austin tomorrow to see Bubs. Keep up the good work . Love Annie
Posted by: anne on
hi dad! I hope you and the team are all having a wonderful trip. did you enjoy the pictures of Sammy? the palm trees are pretty much the opposite of what you’re looking at, but still very beautiful. johnny is so excited about going camping with you this summer… he can barely contain himself! we love you.
the Florida clan
Posted by: Dallas Goode-Gerzine on
Go Greg!! Best wishes for the journey ahead!
Posted by: Cat, Pat, Oli & Dan Fish on
Keep climbing that BIG mountain Mom! (Cindee Teer) You rock! We miss you so come home soon.
Love, Ruby and Zoot, via Lindy Bartell
Posted by: Ruby & Zoot on
Great progress, hope the weather holds, keep hopping up that hill Grasshopper
Posted by: Chuck le Bleu on
So glad to hear your team is excelling. Give Q a big sloppy lick from Jack, and tell him he is doing great.
Posted by: George Landers on
I’M IN A GLASS CASE OF EMOTION! Good luck Mike & team!
Posted by: Alex K on