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Mt. McKinley: Beren & Team Move to 14,000’

Wednesday, June 12, 2013 A fine day for a move presented itself to us this morning and we certainly made the most of it. Leaving our 11,000' Camp in the early morning cold is great training for the chill of higher altitude and we made a solid bid before the sun came out in force. It's nearly always hot coming into 14 and today was no exception. We were treated to some real hospitality when we arrived in the form of another RMI Team, led by Tyler Jones and Garret Stevens. Freshly hydrated, we set to work building camp and rebuilding ourselves with a big meal and early night's rest. Tomorrow is a rest day, but I hazard a guess that we will be working in some way most of the day, retrieving a cache, fortifying camp and practicing for the fixed lines. It is exciting to be up here with such a great team! RMI Guide Jake Beren

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Comments (5)

I wait eagerly everyday for updates, checking the blog multiple times (despite the fact that I have subscribed to notifications). I have also read the blogs of the team you saw come down after their summit as well as the other team who’s also at 14k but started before your team. Reading all of these incredible stories and lush descriptions makes me jelly :( and reminds me of when I camped on top of tajumulco. Looks like there’s a bit of very cold and fierce wind and you may have to wait before climbing to 17k and/or to the top. By my calculations, you have 2/3 days of buffer time so hopefully the winds will die down a bit. Or “if you can hold on. If you can hold on, hold on.” Today I found myself thinking and brainstorming about our travel and it made me happy. I hope to see you soon R

Posted by: Alice on

Keep up the great work everyone!I miss you Michael, have fun and be safe. Love Vien.

Posted by: Vien Vail on

Great to hear all is good, Miss you Barbara stay strong, Go Team!! Kalispell Montana

Posted by: Jay Rocha on

Good luck to the team and particularly to Dad/Peter!  Hope the good conditions continue!  We love and miss you.  -Nathaniel, Elizabeth, and Jonathan

Posted by: Nathaniel on

Hey Andrea - we’re all thinking about you and keeping an eye on how you guys are doing - wow!!  Looks like so far so good - we are in awe of you and your team doing this!  Can’t wait to hear all the details - wish we could be there at the bottom to greet you with a hot meal and big hug.  Things here in Seattle are fine.  Love you!

Posted by: Amy Summers on

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