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Mt. McKinley: Jones & Team Rest at 14,000’

After yesterday's carry up into the thin air of 16,000', the team is enjoying the sun and leisurely pace of a rest day here in Genet Basin. The morning started when the sun came around the ridge, thawing the tents and prying open our closed eyes from a well-earned night of sleep. We headed over to our posh house and spent the better part of two hours making and eating blueberry pancakes with peanut butter and bacon. Movie quotes bubbled up from the crew like water from a fountain, followed by a discussion of other vacation ideas (mostly tropical). We drank hot coffee and generally continued to bond together, enjoying the calm morning. This afternoon, we're planning to head over to a zone known as "the edge of the world," which lies about 20 minutes southwest of camp. The basin in which we're camped drops precipitously away about 5,000 vertical feet at this location, providing outlandish views of the Kahiltna Glacier, Mt Hunter, Mt Foraker, and the vast Alaskan wilderness. This light acclimatization hike will let us flush the lactic acid we accumulated yesterday, stretch sore legs, and soak up more of the beauty that surrounds us. At day 11 on the mountain, thoughts can easily turn to the little things you miss from the lowlands - trees, birdsong, bacon cheeseburgers. But our team is still focused on the ascent, and remains mentally strong and poised to move higher yet. We'll check back in tomorrow, so don't change that channel! RMI Guides Tyler Jones, Garrett Stevens and the team

On The Map

Comments (4)

Looks like you have an amazing view from up there!. I see that the movie quotes abound up there… wonder who that could be??:)  Hope you are having a great time near the top of the world looking down on all us flat landers. Can’t wait to hear the stories and see the photos. Stay safe and stay warm.

Love DAD

Posted by: Matt Prosser on

Sounds like things are going well and the food certainly sounds good.  I’ll eat just about about anything that has bacon or peanut butter on it.  How’s the weather looking?  I assume you’ll be looking for that 3-day clear window before leaving 14 camp.  Wish I was there with all of you.

-Larry Seaton

Posted by: Larry Seaton on

Chickie,  Aaaah yes, life above the bergschrund is good.  Keep it goin girl.

Posted by: Billy on


Thinking of you on your adventure…sure looks beautiful up there…climb strong and be safe. 

Phil, Kathleen, Kate & Laura

Posted by: Blakeman family on

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