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Mt. McKinley: Okita & Team Relax at 14 Camp

Saturday, June 1, 2013 Just knowing that today we had absolutely nothing to get accomplished gave us all that sense of ease and happiness often felt on the first day of a great vacation. Breakfast (yes, smoked salmon, bacon, fried bagels and cream cheese) didn't even start until the sun had warmed up camp, and lingered almost to lunch. We relaxed outside in the sun and inside away from its strong rays. Some got horizontal and read or napped, while others of us hung out in the Posh talking about everything from music and movies to food, wine and other delicacies. Those of us with FM radios gave a brief news summary, and like many discussions of any depth, eventually the tide of our conversation turned to politics. But with such a nice group of folks who are fast becoming good friends, the talk was of a healthy sort and not the ugly type seen all too often elsewhere. I don't know if it was the Indian cuisine we had for dinner or what, but dessert was accompanied by song, poetry, comedy and a lot of good natured ribbing. The day has ended all to quickly, we all agree. We ended our day by listening to the evening weather forecast, which has been calling for an end to the incredible high pressure we have been enjoying and calling for clouds and some snow, but all with fairly light winds. I've certainly heard of worse forecasts, so we'll just wake up in the morning and see what we see. If the skies are anything like they have been, we'll break camp and retrace our tracks back up the fixed lines and West Buttress, having the added confidence that comes with having climbed it once before. But we'll need good weather to tackle that climb again. Otherwise, another day or two here will only make us stronger for the summit later. Wish us luck! RMI Guides Brent, Logan and Leah

On The Map

Comments (9)

Monica, Im in sunny fla, dad and i are following your adventure and know you and the team are doing great!all our thoughts are positive and confident in your skill And strength. We toast you with a glass of wine out on the dock each night! Cheers!

Posted by: meredith on

Monica and team, I’m betting by the time you get this message you will be in high camp ready for your summit day.  Be strong..it is such an amazing view from the top of North America…soak it all in and then get down safely…  Good luck team…

Posted by: Fletch on

Go Jeff! Go Team! The Walla Walla gang are cheering for all of you.

Posted by: M. E. Meeker on

Erich, I hope you enjoyed your rest day! I’m glad everyone is getting along and maybe you’re making good friends that share your interests since most of us down south don’t care for cold, snowy mountains. :) I had an interesting day, it was raining all day and the cables (which I thought were power lines threfore called the fire dept…)  that run across our driveway decided to fall across the drive today… Cox is coming out Tuesday to fix so in the meantime I basically have a “homemade” zip line right at my door! Yay! Anyways, all is okay here at home. Missing you more and more everyday, soak up these rest days and hurry on back! Love you! -Amberly

Posted by: Amberly on

Hey Son (Virg. one of my favorite sons), Mom has her eye on you and your great team.  I finished all your beer including that horrible Guinness and I’m running out of the Kibbles and Bits you left behind. Great pictures!  Looks like Summit County -  Joe’s (the other favorite son) eyes glaze over when he looks at them - every day looks like a powder day.Love ya Dad

Posted by: Virgil, Sr, on

B & A - You know how I’m against language inflation, but some of the pictures posted here really ARE awesome, in the truest sense of the word. I can only imagine what it really looks like to you, seeing the sights first hand. OK, B, the name of your new niece is…(drum roll)... wait for it….Tzippora Leah! Her older brother is staying with the other grandparents right now, and is, as of yet, unaware that he’s no longer the only cute munchkin around. More later. Love, Mom and Dad

Posted by: Daniel on

A and B
Torture here at home—we’ve lost our internet connection for days—not being able to access the blog has been maddening!Even from afar, my day starts and ends with the two of you!
You are loved and missed more than you will ever know!
One step at a time, one breath at a time, one meal at a time, I believe in you!!!!!

Posted by: doni on

Erich, glad the hear you are all getting along even when talking politics, I should have figured since ya’ll couldn’t use food stamps on your toasted bagels. Love ya & miss ya Dad

Posted by: dad on

Ladyface & B-dazz,
Sounds like a day at the spa today! ;)
2 days ago the real missing you guys hit big time. I may have started calling your phone just to hear your voice. Next time I’m forcing you to make a longer message before you leave. haha
Last night was Nereyda’s Quincenera. She looked beautiful and it was such an amazing experience. We did our best to keep up with the Latin beats but then a jitter-bug came on. Dad grabbed me and we just danced full out. The floor cleared around us as everyone watched and clapped for our performance. Such an amazing night!
Miss you (LOTS), love you.
Keep climbing

Posted by: eva on

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