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Mt. McKinley: Jones and team move to 11 camp

Sunday, June 2, 2013 Today we woke to a splitter red sky, the most beautiful morning of our trip. As the saying goes, though: red sky in morning, climbers take warning! The weather continues to cloud up and a few snow flakes have fallen between breaks in the clouds. This change is rather abstract compared to the last few week of very high pressure over the region. With an early start the team climbed well for 5 hrs. We now find ourselves enjoying some well earned down time back in the tents eating, drinking, sleeping and chatting. Most importantly hiding from the seemingly gorilla strength sun rays in our new home at 11k. Tomorrow we plan to sleep in, have a deluxe breakfast, and retrieve our luggage just a short way down the hill. Each of our team members want to say hi to family and friends; we are doing great and love you all! We'll check in after our grocery shoppe and petrol refill. RMI Guides Tyler Jones and Garrett Stevens

On The Map

Comments (5)

DJ - Looking good - good chance for summit soon - go for it guy but stay safe - Love Mom & Dad

Posted by: norm uhlir on


From your hubby. Hope you all had a good rest day. Look forward to reading more. Safe climb!

Until the next post. Hector

Posted by: Hector Valle on

Hey to DJ from your brother-in-law! Sounds like the team is just sprinting up the mountain, but it does look cold, not like the hot, humid weather we’ve been having here in DC! Keep on trekking and keep dry! JP

Posted by: Jon on

A big hello to Dr. James Choo from East TN.  Stay safe everyone! :)

Posted by: Debbie Toomey on

Robin and Team
I’m sure your climb was a lot harder than the blog makes it sound, but glad to hear all is well. Will pray that your weather improves and for a continued safe climb. Take care everyone and enjoy your brunch. You guys are great! Looking forward to more blogs.


Posted by: Matt Prosser on

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