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Mt. McKinley: Okita & Team Carry and Rest

Sunday, May 26, 2013 Bagels fried in butter, slathered in cream cheese and accompanied with smoked salmon and bacon. It was the perfect fuel to start us out on the perfect day. Clear, calm skies prevailed over the Alaska Range once again and shortly after 9:30 we were hoofing it down to pick up our cache at 9500'. Everyone cruised up and down, allowing us a quasi rest day upon our return to camp around 1:00. A little afternoon training with our crampons and ice axes will serve us well as we start climbing some steeper terrain tomorrow. Motorcycle Hill, Squirrel Hill, the Polo Field and Windy Corner will be some of the areas we'll climb through on our way to caching a bunch of food and supplies at 13,500'. We're looking forward to an exciting and challenging day. As we were preparing to settle in for our dinner of burritos we got a pleasant surprise when the first RMI trip arrived in camp after summiting on a perfect day yesterday. It is exciting to see our friends, and certainly gets us stoked for the climbing to come. We're hoping for some similar conditions when it comes our turn to go for the summit. But for now, we'll just concentrate on the matter at hand. Getting our cache to 13,500'. We'll be getting up fairly early in order to get back to camp with time to relax and prepare for the next day. Until then ... RMI Guides Brent, Logan, Leah

On The Map

Comments (10)

I think George is jealous about your trip. Next time take him too…

Posted by: susan birnbaum on

Razzle-dazzle & Ray Ray,

What an amazing experience! I remember you telling me about the fried bagels as we sat in the sun trying to imagine what your climb would be like. Can’t believe it’s really happening. Be in every moment, absorb it all: the sound of the snow, your heightened sense of awareness, the way you can read the terrain… It’s you and the mountain.
Miss you, love you,

Posted by: Eva on

Good to hear that things are going well.  Some of my most memorable and enjoyable meals were in the posh tents up there.

-Larry Seaton

Posted by: Larry Seaton on

Happy Memorial day to all.  Glad your making excellent progress.  it looks so beautiful up there.  Yum on the food sounds better than hot dogs and hamburgers.  Wishing you good weather and safe journey!

Gerald everyone is missing you and thinking of you!


Posted by: Rob Carrizzo on

Hey Erich! Looks like y’all are making nice progress and you’re not going hungry! :) I just want you to know my memorial day consisted of 88 degrees, jet skis and beer—the only thing missing was you! Hope all is well! Thinking and praying for you and the team daily! Love, love, love!

Posted by: Amberly on

Jeff Hooper

We miss you.  Looks like you are having fun.
Try to stay warm
Kenny, Alex and Sophia

Posted by: veronica Hooper on

Hey Uncle D! Just got back from two weeks in Florida on a job, 86 degrees average daily temp, what’s yours up there? ;-) I’m guessing not that warm! I wish you all the best and be safe, stay dry, and we can’t wait to hear all about it!

Further on up the mountain!


Posted by: Jon on

Hey Bro,

It looks cold up there! Glad all sounds well tho! We missed you in CR, but promise not to photoshop you in… Well, maybe not anyway! Sending lots of love and good wishes to you and the whole team!

Love, Shelly

Posted by: Shelly on

Hi Uncle D you seem like you are having fun with all your buddies ;) How are your tents, you staying warm? I hope you are so I don’t have to make a bunch of hot coco when you get back (I still will make some if you want me to) I miss and love you! Alex, Nic, Scott, Aunt Steph, Gramma Fran and Poppa, Mom, Dad, and me miss and love and give you good luck!

Love,  Tasha :)

Posted by: Tasha on

A & B—
Do you think we can get “take out” from the Posh House?
xx Mom

Posted by: Doni on

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