Mt. McKinley: Okita & Team Move Into 11K Camp
The sun doesn't set at 11,200' camp until after 9:30 sometime. Then it just passes behind a mountain to cast shadows on this place that we're now calling home. And we're soaking it all up after another nice day of climbing.
Today we made it to camp in under four hours, and for the first time had pretty reasonable sized packs. A cool down-glacier breeze offered us a change of pace from the sweat fest of the lower glacier, and I think most of the team welcomed the drop in temperature.
Pulling into camp in the early afternoon allowed us to walk into a vacated camp spot and relieved us of the tough work of building walls and excavating tent platforms. Most of us relaxed and enjoyed a well deserved break from our toils.
Another first for the trip: we enjoyed a fine meal from the comfort of our Posh House. This is a tent like thing that allows us all to sit, cook and eat, protected from the elements like the wind, cold, snow or even sun. It's cozy and makes it fun to just linger over a couple of hot drinks and enjoy each others company.
Tomorrow we'll be doing a back carry to pick up the cache we left there this morning. We're looking forward to a fairly easy day, and hopefully another great day of weather.
Before we sign off, Ayla wants to give a big shout out to her sister. Happy Birthday Eva! (By the way, your sister Ayla is a rock star - she's doing great.)
Until tomorrow ...
RMI Guide Brent Okita
On The Map
Comments (6)
Hi to Jeff Hooper from sis - I think this is the right team! Hope you are having a great time, looks cold! Take care, thinking of you. Jill and Dad (via phone)
Posted by: Jill Cathey on
Hello Monica,
Wow the pictures are beautiful! Kathy,Maribeth and I are so proud of your accomplishments!
Praying for you,
Jimmy Rx
Posted by: Jim Gentle on
Hi Bet. and Ayla and team I can’t believe how breath taking the scenery is online it must be incredible in person!! Still waiting for a new baby and wishing we were with you (well in spirit at least) Is this what teaching your kids to love nature leads to? Gook luck and love you, Mom
Posted by: Nancy on
Hi Monica!
We are thrilled and excited with your smooth progress, and are hanging on every word of the blogs. Have another wonderful day.
All the best to all of you up there.
Hugs from your ‘rents.
Posted by: John and Marianne on
Hi Brent- Thanks so much for the blog entries(text and great photos). It makes the distance that separates us from the team so much shorter.
Ayla-We watched the b’day video…Hysterical!!!!! You outdid yourself! Loved the out-takes.
Sending tons of love to both you and B.
And,of course, wishing everyone sure footing.
Posted by: Doni on
Wow I feel like a total rockstar getting birthday wishes from the most adventurous group of explorers I know! Thank you!! Sounds like you all had an “easy” day on the mountain ;) What a stunning view! In awe and so proud of your endeavors! (Ayla- best bday vid of all time!)
Shanti Shanti,
Posted by: Eva on