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Mt. Everest: Resting, Playing Games and Watching the Weather

Another quiet but interesting day at Basecamp. Everything seems a little different now with the news that climbers made the top yesterday... And indeed, a few more went there today if the radio grapevine is correct. The mountain is not impossible. But we do hope those most recent summit climbers got down fast, since by late afternoon we've experienced a thunderstorm and a few inches of quick new snow. And that roar is back... The one that sounds like Niagara Falls as a ribbon of the jet stream does battle with the parts of these mountains that dare to stand out and in the way. We are all watching weather and weather forecasts now and there is plenty of interest in the calendar. Many climbers are still down-valley taking a vacation, but they are starting to trickle back by helicopter and by foot with summit dates in mind. Some are packing bags and heading up in the next day or two. We are biding our time. Waiting out the cough. Hiking and exploring and playing games in camp. We'll have to pick summit departure days soon enough, but for now it just isn't right for our team. We get a little anxious to know that the route is open, but we also know that it wouldn't be a bad thing to let a few hundred other climbers have their way with it first. Things get a little warmer with each passing day in May and we hold out hope that calmer days materialize. And we cross our fingers that cyclone O1B -spinning menacingly down in the Bay of Bengal- fizzles out and finds a place to go that doesn't interfere with climbers... or with humanity in general. Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

Comments (5)

I love keeping updated on the climb.  Keep up the great work boys.

Posted by: Tyler on

We are all “climbing Everest with you,” vicariously of course.  But none-the-less,truly enjoying your posts and certainly rooting for your success and safety.  Meteorology and your knowledge in that area will keep you safe as well as successful. You are now in the time frame of saying “yes” or “no” and we all know how difficult that can be. Bill Bussey

Posted by: Bill Bussey on

Hi Dan & the team. We continue to follow your journey and are enjoying all of the photos, they are amazing| Be safe and careful. Enjoy your climb!

Posted by: Ann, Jerry & Michelle on

Patience is a virtue and good things come to those who wait, including summits.  Your day will come soon enough, I am sure.  Take care and enjoy every day between now and then.

Posted by: Josephine Johnson on

We are soooooo rooting for your team! You are animals! You are amazing! In 2009 we were in Nepal and Tibet and slept in a small tent for two nights at the Rongbuk Monastery (Tibetan North Face side) all the while trying to catch a glance of the monster summit of Mt Everest. There was a blizzard and our tent blew over a couple times. Finally, just before departure, we saw her clean to the top. Touring the lower base camp and especially the graveyard was very sobering as we read “The Boys of Everest”. We are loving your RMI blogs and living vicariously though your monumental efforts. Best wishes for good health and sweet success. Linda, formerly of Seattle, now Santa Fe

Posted by: Linda on

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