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Mt. Everest Expedition: The Mountain is Ready

Hello, Mark Tucker here, calling from Everest Base Camp. Fourscore and 23 years ago, I stood on top of Mt. Everest with the International Peace climb led by Jim Whittaker. And what a day it was and what a day here today - May 10th. We now have a group of Sherpa on top of Mount Everest, so the floodgates are now open. The (Sherpa) team did a great job. Sounds like conditions were very favorable for an ascent as of now. People are starting to rally, lots of teams are looking at the weather of course, as well as us. Making some plans to the start the movement uphill. The Lhotse and Nuptse Teams have gotten very far along in the progress of fixing the ropes. We are not quite sure on the status of those, but it won't be long now for those mountains to see some summitters. It's a crazy place here right now and we are enjoying some good weather. It looks like there is some wind up high with the jet stream around. Hopefully some people will get started taking advantage of the opportunity to make their summit attempt and get on top this season. Our Sherpa team is resting well. And they are ready to give us the support that we're going to need in the near future and Dave Hahn, he's the best in the business, so we will have a great attack coming up here pretty soon. So, we will keep you posted when we can. RMI Guide Mark Tucker

RMI Guide and Everest Base Camp Manager Mark Tucker checks in with an update on route.

Comments (4)

Awesome job team.  The best of luck on your summit.  Blessings your way.

ABQ Uptown #985 NM/AZ/CO

Posted by: Rachael C. Lujan on

If you need a rope gun, I’m your man!

Posted by: Gilbert J Sauceda Jr on

Go, Super Dave!!!!

Posted by: Mike B on

Great News Mark! Good luck to the team!

Posted by: Jason Stanfield on

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