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Everest Base Camp Trek: Tucker & Team Arrive in Lobuche

Mark Tucker calling from Lobuche. I'm leaning up against the window to try and get some reception. Can you believe it? We have no wifi, I so apologize. The team is doing well, we're bunking down. We're going to push up to Gorak Shep tomorrow. Had a great hike from Pheriche today. Boy we have really starting to feel like we are up, up, up. So, thin, thin air and getting thinner. Tomorrow marks the 65K endurance race coming from Gorak Shep. And so we are going to root some of these folks on that we've been parallel over the course of our trip. We'll be glad to see them, but I am not too jealous of them running from Gorak Shep to Lukla in a matter of hours. I kinda like what we are doing, so we'll check in again later. RMI Guide Mark Tucker

RMI Guide Mark Tucker checks in from Lobuche.

On The Map

Comments (10)

Happy Easter Elsie! I feel like I should be writing “there goes Peter Cottontail. Hoppin’ up Mt Everest’s trail…”, but the air seems a little thin fur hoppin’ right now -ha!
Easter blessings and safe journey to all :)

Posted by: mary tryer on

Happy Easter to all!!!  God’s Speed and Grace ... on this Blessed Easter!!!  Love you Buzz, James, Luke and Team Tucker!!!  Awesome job!!!!  Blessing Be to All!  nancy

Posted by: nancy on

Liesl & Pete,  we are loving the sharing of your adventure, seeing the pictures and vicariously experiencing the journey.  We are loving the trip and you from 6500 feet.  Your Durango Family

Posted by: Sue Fisher on

Happy Easter…I really like how you posted your Spot Tracker so we can see exactly where you are and where you have been…I’ll be watching you all for the next two months.

Posted by: Lynn Via on

Want to wish all of you a very Happy Easter. God bless each and everyone of you. Will be thinking of you tonight Billy. I am going to an Easter Vigil at St. Raphael’s. where we went when you came to visit me a couple of years ago. Sue and Gerry, I take my hat off to you for keeping up with your great guys.

Posted by: Dee Brown on


How’s it going? Kim and I have been reading our journals from last year’s trip each night and reliving some of the highlights. Oddly, you’re in a lot of them.

Looks like you’re taking great care of your team - as always. I hope they appreciate how lucky they are to have you as their guide.

I would warn them against starting up a game of Gin with you as I think we ended our trek with me owing you something in the neighborhood of everything I own. (Thanks for not collecting on the debt. :-))

Are you there all season again? When you get back to the Seattle area we would love to see you. Dinner’s, on me.


Posted by: John & Kim on

Susan & Bill- all of your ADF ladies are rooting for you and your teammates! So appreciate Marks updates. (Thanks man:)

Be blessed!

Posted by: Carol Donovan on

L & P and All-Congrats for making it to Lobuche!!  Enjoy the next, ” step to heaven,” tomorrow!! Suck it all in - along with enough air!!
Love you-
M & G

Posted by: Gretchen & Mike on

Susan, Bill, Peter, and Jerry,
Watching your travels. You all look great!  Looking forward to seeing all your photo’s.

Posted by: Kathy and Dick on

what an adventure!!! you all are absolutely awesome!!! climb on!!! hugs to you all…buzz, james, luke and team! nancy

Posted by: nancy on

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