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Aconcagua Expedition:  Van Deventer & Team Back to Camp

We are all back at the tents after a beautiful summit day on Aconcagua! The weather was even better than forecasted, with no wind, clear skies, and warm temps. This let us leave a bit later, just as the sun was rising, and we enjoyed its warmth for the whole day. I personally have never had better conditions on the summit than today: just a light fleece, no gloves, and a vista that stretched for hundreds of miles in all directions. Congratulations to the team for a huge effort, and standing on the roof of South America. The guides would like to thank the whole team for such a successful and fun trip. Tomorrow we descend back to base camp, and get ready for the trek out and a return to Mendoza. Cheers RMI Guides Pete, Leon, Mike, and the climbers

Comments (6)

congrats Leon and team!

Posted by: dawn on

Rick can’t wait to hear your voice and hear all about your adventure. XOXOX Carol

Posted by: Carol Crye Popp on

Congrats to Rick Popp and all the guides and climbers for a successful trip!  I hope everyone will return home safely.  Take care…. Look forward to seeing you…love & hugs, mom

Posted by: Joy popp on

Congratulations to James Beckerich and the other team members!  Thank you to the guides for everyone’s safety and success!
The Hammer

Posted by: Thomas Goham on

Hooray and congratulations, Dad!

Posted by: Sarah Rice on

Couldn’t be more proud of you all - Congratulations and safe return!!
Love, Mom & Dad

Posted by: Paula & Bill VanDeventer on

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