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Vinson Massif:  100% of Team Reaches Summit!

Back to perfect weather. We made the summit of Mt. Vinson one more time today. Just a small rope team to get the final climber -who rested yesterday- up to see the sights. And there were unlimited sights to be seen. The entire Ellsworth chain was visible from end to end and beyond, at least two hundred miles of jagged peaks and endless ice. There wasn't any wind at all on the summit today, so it was the most comfortable -30 C one is ever likely to see. We made the top in 6 hours and 45 minutes, spent a half hour up there saying "wow" over and over, and descended to high camp in two hours. Seth Waterfall and the rest of the team took things easy at high camp throughout a nice long sunny day, snacking and catching up on hydration. Tomorrow we'll all drop back down the mountain and begin the journey home. Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

On The Map

Comments (13)


Posted by: Fred Klingbeil on

HW: Very happy for the whole team to reach 100% success rate. I hope you have taken many pictures at high camp today. Wish for good weather so you can come down and fly out soon. Kudos to Dave for going up the summit two days in a row to make sure everyone could summit! Over here, we had a fun birthday party for M today with 10 kids coming. Please stay safe. Love, -Fan

Posted by: Fan on


We knew you would breeze to the summit, our biggest concern was whether your Golden Age card is good for 50% off of camp fees in Antarctica as it is in the USA. :-)

Posted by: EN Austin on

Felicidades Gineth, que maravilla, la sexta cumbre de las 7, que Dios te siga bendiciendo por todos tus esfuerzos personales y todos los que te seguimos en Costa Rica nos sentimos muy orgullosos de tus grandes logros. Un abrazo en la distancia y a seguir disfrutando de lo que resta de esta bella aventura. Van a ver a los pingüimos emperador? Más fotitos, aunque con este blog ha sido genial….

Posted by: Ana Lidieth Solís Mata on

Gina , No me canso de felicitarte, FELICIDADESSSS, ya vi el ultimo expedition dispaches, que emoción verte en la foto en la cima, Bravoooo te queremos, Aqui gritabamos, llorabamos, ya te puedes imaginar TE LO MERECES CAMPEONA,Un gran abrazo a la distancia, SI se Pudo…..

Posted by: Graciela Carmona Soto on

Felicidades Gineth,de corazon eres un orgullo de mujer y para nuestro pais tambien,Dios te siga bendiciendo y para el equipo y compañeros de esta travesia mis felicitaciones.

Posted by: Alberto Fonseca on

Yay, Julie! And the rest of the 100%! Thanks be to God.

Posted by: Carol Stuebs on

Woo Hoo Gineth!  Congratulations.

Posted by: Margy Pankiewicz on

A Pura Vida Summit! So proud of you Gineth and your accomplishment. The first Costa Rican to summit Vinson, and your #6 of the 7 Summits. You are a hero to your country, but most of all you are the biggest hero of all to me and the rest of your family. Love you mucho!!!

Posted by: MIchael Buturla on


A perfect climbing to the summit! Hurry back home for the Holidays. The family will be waiting. Love,

Posted by: Soonja Choo on

Excited for you, DG and your whole team!  Stay focused on the descent and we’ll see you soon!

Love Steph and Oz!

Posted by: Stephanie on


Posted by: Whitney Dill on

Congratulations, Julie!  You made it!  The weather there sounds like Lambeau Field.  Enjoy the trip back to warm and sunny Western Washington.

Posted by: Joel Nitz on

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