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Mt. McKinley: Hahn & Team Back Carry Supplies to 14K Camp

Our first night at 14 camp went well. Not that folks didn't notice the altitude and the cold here in Genet Basin, but everybody showed up for bacon and bagels breakfast in a reasonably cheerful state. We didn't get up early, since it takes the sun until about 9:30 AM to get far enough around Denali's South Peak to shine on us. And we took our sweet time getting geared up for our "back carry" -the mission to retrieve our cache below Windy Corner from three days ago. We left 14K at 10 minutes past noon and made fine time getting down around the corner. It was another windless day where we were, but we could see that the gang at 17 camp was catching it in the teeth. The cache was right where we'd left it and it didn't look like the ravens had even bothered trying to dig into it. We loaded up and began the slow walk back uphill over the now familiar terrain. We were back a little before 5 PM. Job done and the approach finished. Now we can focus on the climb. Via the radio, we knew that Adam Knoff and his crew were quitting high camp and descending ahead of a multi-day storm. They had our sympathy, obviously, but we looked forward to seeing them at 14. They didn't stay too long as they wanted to get down around the end of the West Buttress before the snow started falling. The evening was the calm before whatever storm we'll get though. We still had good views of Mount Foraker, across the way, but it and every other peak, was stacked high with lenticular clouds... something is coming. But we've got everything we need to deal with such things, and we are dug into our fortress at fourteen. Best, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

Comments (7)

Sounds like you guys might be getting a nice cool breeze up there !
Hunker down & good luck on the stroll up.

Posted by: Blackie on

May the storm pass quickly and uneventfully so that you can make your way to the top soon.  We miss you Cathy.  Looking forward to your triumphant return :)

Posted by: Monica on

We are anxious to see what happens in your next days ahead.  Stay safe.  We are cheering for you.
Merl & Lynn

Posted by: Merl on

Hi Mark, have enjoyed the blogs.  Sounds like an amazing adventure with great guides.  The scenery is beautiful.  Looking forward to hearing all about it Daneen

Posted by: Daneen on

Hi Mark - I too enjoy reading the daily blog. Hope the storm doesn’t come in and you have to hunker down for a few days/nights. The photos are fantistic. Love, Mary

Posted by: Mary McDonald on

Mark - I enjoy reading the Team’s daily diary.  Hope the weather doesn’t prevent you from your climb.  You worked too hard for this expedition.  Enjoy 14 and good luck!

Posted by: Bob B on

Hi Mark and team - we continue to enjoy following you on the blog. We only hope the storm does not develop full blown and you will be able to reach the top.

Posted by: Vi and Don on

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