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Mt. McKinley: Hahn & Team Enjoy a Lounge Day

Happy Fourth!!! But actually our sixth day on the mountain and our first rest day. If it hadn't been proclaimed a rest day in advance, it would have become one anyway, but we'd have labeled it a storm day. Light, but continuous snow fell and we were seldom granted views of the sky, the sun or the mountains. Winds were aimless but persistent, making it a fine day for tenting. The team got up with the sun -or at least when the sun came out from behind the West Buttress at 9:15 AM and ducked behind clouds. Breakfast was held in the POSH and consisted of salmon, bagels, cream cheese and hot drinks. Conversation ranged from whales to polar bears and royal families. Cards were played, books were read and iPod movies were watched. Everyone seems to be acclimatizing well -which was the goal in resting here at 11,000 before the hoped for move to 14,200. While camp had seemed quite busy two days ago, it now seems quiet with just three other teams -all on similar schedules, give or take a day or two. Together we represent the end of the guided climbing season on Denali. Our team, although pleasantly diverse and international in composition is proud to be celebrating the fourth by climbing the America's highest peak. Although today we are climbing it from a predominantly seated position. Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

On The Map

Comments (6)

Mark,enjoy following your climb.  Stay safe, healthy and enjoy the experience.  I admire you for your dedication and courage.  Hope the weather clears for you - and best of luck to you and the entire climbing crew.

Posted by: Bob B on

The team seems to be making solid progress!!! We are watching/waiting for your updates to this blog. This is exciting for us mortals to witness!!!

Go Richard!!!

Posted by: jerrett on

Sounds like everyone is healthy and happy! The team is making good progress and we REALLY appreciate this blog!!!!

Go Richard!


Posted by: jerrett on

Cathy!!! rest well!!!! following the blog closely!!!!

Posted by: Kae on

Mark, we are continuing to follow you on the blog.  Good health, luck and hope the weather clears soon for you all.

Posted by: Vi and Don on

Seated climbing is my favorite kind of climbing! Happy 4th. everyone!

Posted by: Jim R on

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